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Ada's latest news

Two movies this week at Ada Theatre

"The Heat" (R) and "Despicable Me 2"(PG) will be showing until Aug. 20 at the Ada Theatre.

"Despicable Me 2" will show each evening at 7 p.m.  Matinees will be Saturday and Sunday at 1:30 p.m. and 4 p.m.

"The Heat" will show each evening at 9 p.m.

All shows $4 with the exception of the 4 p.m. matinee shown in 3D.  3D shows are $6.


For many in Ada, summer vacation ends on Sunday; by the way, what's for lunch on Monday?

Where did the summer go?

Didn’t we just celebrate the last day of school for 2012-13, the opening of the swimming pool, summer vacation, and all that goes with it?

For students, teachers and staff of Ada Exempted Village Schools, summer ends Sunday. The first day of the 2013-14 school year is Monday.

Here’s some information for those last-minute planners.

Click here for the August school menu.

Click here for the elementary school supply list.

Fast track

It's not track and field season yet, but the track is ready at the Ada stadium. A new track was installed this summer. Here's a look at it from the grandstand.

Bluffton Police Chief: Ill fox destroyed and buried on Friday

Friday afternoon a Bluffton Icon viewer notified The Icon that a fox was shot by Bluffton police between Tom Fett Road and the Maple Grove Cemetery earlier today. This location is on Columbus Grove Road, directly on the west side of Bluffton


Upon contacting Rick Skilliter, Bluffton police chief, Skilliter told The Icon: “I can confirm one animal determined to be an ill fox was destroyed and buried by village crews earlier today.”

More photos of "mystery beast" coming to The Icon


More photos of the mystery beast are coming to The Icon's attention. (Click here to read previous posts.)

These were taken on Sept. 12, 2012, a couple miles south of Jenera, on Township Road 29.

"Amy R" took the photos and says: "It looked sick, but not as sick as the one in the current photo you have. One of the photos looks very similar to the photo previously posted on The Icon, with a little more hair is all.

ONU student works with Wycliffe Bible Translators program

Elita Smith, a student at Ohio Northern University from Bluffton, spent her summer "vacation" working on a service project in Papua New Guinea.

Every year Wycliffe Bible Translators' Go Experience Translation (GET) Global program sends high school and college students from around the world to lend a hand in mission work.

A typical trip includes eight to 10 students spending two to three weeks among people of a minority language where Bible translation is in progress. This year’s group worked in one of the most linguistically complex countries in the world: Papua New Guinea, an island-nation home to more than 800 languages.
