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"Have Some Cents" hopes to raise 1 million pennies; proceeds go to ReStore

The Ohio Northern University Dicke College of Business Administration Sales and Customers Relationship class is conducting a “Have Some Cents” project in hopes of collecting one million pennies by May 1.

The purpose of the project is to spotlight the wastefulness of the U.S. government manufacturing more pennies that cost the taxpayers money and show there are more than enough pennies in circulation.

Village Voice: Village brush pick up/chipping service April 7

Have the winds of this winter helped ‘trim’ a few of your trees?
Do you need to have some limbs picked up and chipped?
Now is your chance!

The village will conduct a monthly service of brush pick up/chipping and pick up on Monday, April 7.

One of the goals of brush chipping and pickup is to keep the tree lawn areas of the village clear of debris, so that debris litter does not enter the storm sewer system. Brush or storm debris in the tree lawn area may be picked up by the village, and residents may place additional brush for chipping in that area.

ONU presents 2014 Sax Day Evening Concert

The Ohio Northern University Department of Music presents the 2014 Sax Day Evening Concert on Saturday, April 12, at 7 p.m. in Presser Hall’s Snyder Recital Hall. The concert is free and open to the public.

EGGcellent Adventure April 5 at Apollo Career Center

Apollo Career Center and KISS 939 invite the community to its second EGGcellent Adventure, Saturday, April 5. Activities for the entire family begin at 7 a.m., culminating with a hunt for 20,000-eggs on the front lawn of the Career Center at 10 a.m.

A pancake breakfast will be served from 7-11 a.m., including all-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage and lemonade. Ticket prices are: adults: $5, and kids under 10, $3. Other food items available include shredded pork, hot dogs, chips, pop, coffee, water and hot chocolate.

March had 64 degree temperature extremes

Local tempuratures were all over the map in March, as shown by Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer. Check March's highs, lows and precipitation in the attachment to this story.

Here's this week's Northern on Main's specials

Northern on Main's Special of the Week for March 31 through April 4 follows:

• Cheesy barbecue chicken bacon sandwich with chips and a fountain drink, $5.99
• Introducing its new chicken, spinach orzo salad, $5.99
