The Ohio Northern University Dicke College of Business Administration Sales and Customers Relationship class is conducting a “Have Some Cents” project in hopes of collecting one million pennies by May 1.
The purpose of the project is to spotlight the wastefulness of the U.S. government manufacturing more pennies that cost the taxpayers money and show there are more than enough pennies in circulation.
As of 1998, the U.S. Mint was still producing 13 billion pennies per year, half of which seem to fall out of circulation within a year. There are so many pennies currently in circulation that no one really cares anymore to make change with them. Because the price to make the penny costs vastly more than a penny is actually worth (1.83 cents), the goal is to show the government that there are enough pennies in the world.
“Have Some Cents” project buckets, bins, or jars will be located in all of the ONU and in local businesses, such as Subway or NOM. The money collected by the end of May 1, will be given back to the U.S. Bank in exchange for paper bills and then donated to the Ada ReStore.