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Ada's latest news

Blind Haitian violinist performs in Presser March 31

The Ohio Northern University Music Department presents a performance by Haitian violinist Romel Joseph in Snyder Recitial Hall in Presser Hall on Monday, March 31, at 8 p.m.
Joseph, a blind Juilliard-trained classical violinist, will perform with his children, Victoria and Bradley Joseph, who are formally trained musicians and will accompany him on the viola and piano.

It's Friends of the Library's Trivia Night April 3

Join the Ada Friends of the Library (they're like the Library's Booster Group) on Thursday, April 3, from 6:30-8 p.m. for a Trivia Night Fundraiser at the Community Health Professionals Building, 1200 S. Main St.

Individuals or teams are welcome; tickets are $5 per person at the door, with a 50/50 drawing at the end of the evening, as well as prizes given each round for the winning teams.

Funds go toward the Friends group, who supports the Library in a variety of roles like its famous Halloween Party. Any questions, feel free to contact Manda Bennett, at the Library, 419-634-5246. 


Warm up

Alex Morgan, Ada sixth grader, plays the Xylophone during a band rehearsal.

John Rutter's "Feel the Spirit" on First Presbyterian, Findlay, artist series

The First Presbyterian Church, Findlay, will conclude its 34th Artist Series Season with a performance of John Rutter’s Feel the Spirit.  The emotional choral work will be featured during the 9:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, April 6.  First Presbyterian Church is located at 2330 South Main Street in Findlay. 

Feel the Spirit will be performed by the First Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir, under the direction of Dr. Matthew Armstrong and accompanied on the piano by Debra Niswander, Director of Music.  The guest soloist is Dr. Crystal Sellers Battle.

Ohio Northern University presents renowned pianist Kathryn Woodard

The Ohio Northern University Department of Music presents pianist Kathryn Woodard in recital on Sunday, April 6, at 4 p.m. in Presser Hall’s Snyder Recital Hall. The concert is free and open to the public.

Ada police call logs for March 17-23

Michael Harnishfeger, Ada police chief, provided The Icon with the Ada police call logs from March 27 to March 23. They are provided in two attachments at the bottom of this story.
