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Ada's latest news

April 8 cash mob at The Artist Boutique on Main


The secret’s out. The Buy Ada First Committee announced the location of the cash mob event this week.

The cash mob is taking place at The Artist Boutique on Main, 117 S. Main Street, Ada, from 3 to 5 p.m., Tuesday, April 8.

“Deb Curlis welcomed our invitation to host this event,” said Heather Cox, member of the committee. “We hope to continue more cash mobs in Ada in the future.”

Cox said that to make the cash mob even more inviting to customers, the Artist Boutique on Main will offer door prizes during the event.

Ohio Northern University to name stage in honor of Nils and Susan Riess

Ohio Northern University will dedicate the Freed Center for the Performing Arts’ stage in honor of Nils and Susan Riess on Friday, April 11, at 7:30 p.m. prior to the ONU production of “Footloose.”

Pizza to go

Three Ohio Northern University students reach for pizza in the Dicke College of Business building. Several hundred students participated in an elevator speech business competition on April 2. This photo was taken during the intermission when judges were tabulating scores.

Lewis Family McDonald’s hosts hiring day on April 8

Lewis Family McDonald’s is looking to hire at several of its 17 restaurants this Tuesday, April 8. This marks the third year that the local franchise has held a company-wide hiring day.

“As summer nears, we find ourselves needing additional crew people to take care of each and every guest. We hope to fill those needs with a company-wide hiring day,” said local owner/operator Jerry Lewis.

"Active Parenting" classes held in Ada during April

On Tuesday afternoons in April, parents of school aged children will have an opportunity to explore how to be the greatest influence on their kids. sponsored by the OSU Extension, Ohio Northern University, Ada Library, Ada Schools, and the Ohio Children’s Trust Fund, the “Active Parenting Now in 3” program provides great practical ways to connect and stay connected with your children.

Ada Barnyard Farmers elect officers for coming year

By Caralee Stover

The Ada Barnyard Farmers 4-H Club met for the second time this year last Sunday, March 30th, at 3 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by Vice President Brice Ferguson. Roll was called by Secretary Shelby Hazelton. There were twenty-one members present. New business included a recap of a recent poultry show, dates for quality assurance training, and the introduction of Amy Stover as a new advisor. Project books and new shirts were distributed.
