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Ada's latest news

Student named Notre Dame University Presidential Fellow

Ohio Northern University student Andrea Kalchik, a senior psychology major from Zanesville, Ohio, has been awarded a University Presidential Fellowship from the University of Notre Dame.

Kalchik was one of 25 selected for the fellowship in a University-wide competition. Kalchik will be pursuing a doctoral degree in psychology at the University of Notre Dame in the Cognition, Brain and Behavior Area. She will be researching memory and forgetting with Dr. G.A. Radvansky.

Say goodbye to March weather

Has winter run its course? During March 1-24, the area had 11 days with snow on the ground, according to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

For a look at the month's high and lows and precipitation, open the attachement at the bottom of this story.

Lots of activities this week and next at Ada schools

The end of March and early-April calendar is full of activities at Ada schools. Here's an update of activities from the school website.


March 27th: FFA Banquet in Cafeteria 6:30 – 8:30 PM
March 28th: Grades will be sent home with students.
March 28th: National Honor Society Induction Ceremony Auditorium 7:30 – 9:00 PM

Alexis Amburgey has her sights on medical school

Alexis Amburgey, Ada High School junior

What classes are you taking this semester?
College Prep English II, AP U.S. History, French III, Pre-Cal/Trig, Advanced Chemistry, Government and Anatomy/Physiology.

How about your sports activities?
I play basketball, volleyball and softball. Basketball is my favorite. I play point. My best game this year was the first game against Cory-Rawson. I scored 22 points and had a good game overall. In volleyball I’m a hitter and in softball I’m a pitcher.

Start of something big

It's not too impressive, but it's the start of something big. Work is officially underway on the Ada First United Methodist Church building site. Here's the view from March 25.

Ada police logs March 10-16

Michael Harnishfeger, Ada police chief, provided The Icon with the Ada police call logs from March 10 to 16.

They are in two attachments at the bottom of this story.
