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Ada's latest news

Former Ohio District of Kiwanis International governor speaks to Ada Kiwanis

President Heather Cox called weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at 12:00 noon on Tuesday April 1st at McIntosh Center, ONU. The Invocation was offered by Jon Umphress. Member Jeff Schulman reported that his daughter Joanna gave birth to a baby girl (Marianna Rose) this morning. Congratulations to grandfather Jeff.

Renewal of permanent improvement levy on May 6 ballot

On Tuesday, May 6, Ada school district voters will cast ballots on the renewal of a permanent improvement levy. The levy was oroginally approved in January 1990.

According to Ohio law, permanent improvement monies are placed in a separate fund from the general fund and may only be used for items that are more “permanent” — lasting five years or more.

Because the levy is a renewal it is not a new tax or a tax increase. The 2.90 mills are included in property taxes, according to Connie Fleming, chair of Advancing Ada Schools levy committee.

Xylophone trio

Kyle Crouse, Colby Kloeppel and Alex Morgan focus on the music during an Ada sixth grade band rehearsal.

Kindergarten info meeting April 15; Ready, Set Grow family night May 13

Several programs of interest to parents and caregivers of pre-school youth in Ada take place in April and May.

Kindergarten information meeting
A kindergarten information meeting for parents of youth entering kindergarten in Ada school next year is planned from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 15, at Ada school.

Complete details of the event are on a printer-friendly attachment at the bottom of this story.

Family night
Ready, Set, Grow Preschool will hold a family night program “The Importance of Early Literacy,”on Tuesday, May 13, according to Jami Dellifield.

Ada elementary students write: "Thank you for donating blood to our blood drive"

Ada elementary school's "Pint Sized Hero" American Red Cross blood donation day in late March brought out several letters of appreciation from Ada elementary students. 

Suzanne Hardesty, Gifted Coordinator / Intervention Special, provided The Icon with several letters written by Ada students. The letter thanked blood donors.

Open the attachment at the bottom of this story to view those letters.

Ohio Northern University named Tree Campus USA for fifth time

Ohio Northern University has been named a Tree Campus USA for the fifth time by the nonprofit Arbor Day Foundation.
