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Ada's latest news

Scott Wills updates Kiwanis on summer tennis program

President Heather Cox called weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at 12 noon on Tuesday August 12, 2014 at McIntosh Center, Ohio Northern University

The invocation by Jon Umphress

Junko Yamaguchi, a guest of Joe Ferguson, was introduced.

The birthday of member Sandy Neely (August 15) was noted in song.

The membership anniversary of member Myrna McCurdy (August 13, 2007) was also noted.

The wedding anniversary of Mark and Kimberly Light (August 12, 1995) was also noted.

In business:

- Treasurer Bryan Marshall updated members on club finances. He also noted that dues are now due for the 2014-2015 Kiwanis year.

They're the "Best Health Care Communications Team" in nation

Blanchard Valley Health System's Corporate PR & Marketing Department has been named the “Best Health Care Communications Team” in the nation through the prestigious 2014 Ragan Health Care PR & Marketing Awards.
The department was announced as one of two finalists for the award in July, and was announced as the competition’s winner in a special edition of Health Care Communication News released August 13.

How much is that horse in the window?

There's a second horse in town. In July the Icon posted a photo of the golden horse in the window. Here's its partner, the black horse. You'll find this team in the window of Artist Boutique on Main.

Freed Center's 24-hour sale set for Aug. 25

The Freed Center for the Performing Arts at Ohio Northern Unversity will have a 24-hour sale on tickets for the 2014-15 season on Monday, Aug. 25. The event will run from 12:01 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.

This is an opportunity to get great deals on amazing seats for the 2014-15 season. During the 24-hour sale, all tickets are $4 for headliners and $2 for in-house productions and 24-hour sale tickets are available by walk-in or phone only 419-772-1900.

The first program of the season is ONU Defying Gravity Production on Friday, Aug. 29, at Freed Center.

Rotary reps have “marvelous time” in Australia

“A marvelous time!”

That’s how Ada Rotarian Bill Trudeau and daughter Keli, an Ada eighth grader, described their recent trip to Australia, where they attended the Rotary International Convention.

After the convention in Sydney, Bill and Keli journeyed on to Melbourne before flying home. Keli took advantage of the opportunity to visit four Australian universities, no doubt dreaming of adventures that might lie ahead.

The Trudeaus presented a program on the convention and sightseeing in Australia at the recent Ada Rotary meeting.

Thunderstorms likely late afternoon and evening

This report from AEP:

A weather disturbance over Missouri will track toward Indiana today. Thunderstorms associated with the disturbance will encounter increasingly warm, unstable air over eastern Illinois and Indiana this afternoon.
