How fast has this school year passed us! It's the first week of December and there's lots happening in Ada schools. Here's a calendar update from the school website:
Dec. 2nd Picture Retakes
Dec. 3rd Sophomore Leadership
Dec. 5th Permission slips are due for Open Lunch for Senior Citizens Luncheon
Dec. 10th Senior Citizens Luncheon
Dec. 21st to Jan. 2, 2015 Christmas Break
Jan. 5th School classes resume
ATTENTION GRADES 9-12: Permission slips to participate in Open Lunch on Dec. 10th for the Senior Citizens Luncheon are due Friday, Dec. 5th by 9:00 AM in the high school office. The following groups will be excluded from participating due to assisting with the luncheon: Varsity boys & girls basketball, Varsity cheerleaders and Varsity Singers. Again, no exceptions will be made, completed permission slips have to be turned in by Friday, Dec. 5th by 9:00 AM.
HIGH SCHOOL ASPIRATIONS TEAM: Will meet during Wednesday’s lunch in Mrs. Bowden’s room. Bring your lunch. The meeting will start at 12:40 and it is important that ALL members (old and new) attend this meeting. We need an official list of members so plan on attending if you want to continue to be a part of the group.
LANGUAGE CLUB: There will be a short Language Club meeting Tuesday after school to plan the Christmas Party and to choose the club’s gifts to our 3rd world countries. Please see Mrs. Davis if you are interested by unable to attend.
ACADEMIC BOOSTERS: Due to the inclement weather this week, the Box Tops promotion is extended through Thanksgiving break. Monday, Dec. 1st, is the last day to turn in for chances to win $150, $100 or $50 Visa gift card. There will be 3 winners for both high school and middle school.
ADA BULLDOG CARDS ON SALE: This is a project of the Ada Music Boosters and the cards were passed out to music students during band or choir classes. The price went down – Bulldog cards are priced at only $5 this year!
They are being sold by all band and choir students, grades 5 through 12. There are several new offers on the card this year so we hope you will please support the sale of the Ada Bulldog Cards again this year. Thank you!