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Ada's latest news

Ada's pre-historic artists

Ada second graders recently explored some pre-historic caves and in art class drew what they saw in the caves. Here's one of those drawings. The art work is on display in the elementary hall ways.

'69-70 Ada HS office girls


Were you an “office girl” in Ada schools? Here’s the students who worked in the office during the 1968-69 school year.

Back from left, Diana Smith, Linnie Sousley, Pelma Snyder, Jane Wilkerson, Chris Cheney, Karen Casper.

Front from left, Ann Bischoff, Candee Dock, Linda Wagner, Sandy Norton and Linda Long.

What's for lunch at Ada schools in October?

What's for lunch in October at the Ada schools?

Click here for the daily menu.

"Ask a Pharmacist," next Lunch and Learn topic

Ada's next Lunch & Learn will focus on "Ask a pharmacist."

The event is Thursday, Oct. 16, from noon to 1 p.m. at Community Health Professionals, 1200 S. Main St, Ada.

Ask the Pharmacist is presented by P&R Home IV and P&R Medical Connection. There is no cost to attend. The event is sponsored by Liberty National Bank of Ada. Participants will receive a box lunch from Northern on Main.

No cost, donations are welcome and will be put towards the hospice patient care fund. RSVP by Monday, Oct. 13 to 419-634-7443.

Ada chamber holds job fair Oct. 9

The Ada Area Chamber of Commerce will  hold a Job Fair on Thursday, Oct. 9, from 10 a.m. - noon and 4 - 6 p.m at Community Health Professional, South Main Street, Ada. 

Bring your resume and meet local businesses that are hiring. On spot interviews will be conducted. For more information contact Deb Curlis at 419-788-9459.

Chris Boisvert wins Icon Week 6 football contest

The winner of Week 6 of The Icon Football Contest is Chris Boisvert. Two contestants correctly picked 8 contests this week, neither correctly picked Tie-Breaker #1 and Chris was declared the winner by correctly picking Tie-Breaker #2.


Other contestants:

8 correct - Bill Edwards.

7 correct - Duane Bollenbacher, John Clevidence, Kim Badertscher, Mark Delisle, Nathan Davis, Richard Johnson and Theresa Bingman.
