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Ada's latest news

Ohio Northern University to host Polar Preview, Experience ONU Day

Area high school students will have the opportunity to visit Ohio Northern University during three different events. Prospective students can attend Polar Preview Day on Oct. 17 and Nov. 1, and Experience ONU Day on Oct. 22

On Polar Preview Day, students will have the opportunity to talk with current ONU students about their campus experiences, the college selection process and why they chose to attend Ohio Northern.

Prospective students can also attend academic sessions with the deans of the ONU colleges and discuss ONU with current students in a panel discussion, and parents will have the opportunity to sit in on financial aid sessions. Tours also will be available.

Ohio Northern University kicks off 2014 Reading Series with Author Alissa Nutting

The Ohio Northern University Department of English opens its 2014 Fall Reading Series with author Alissa Nutting in the Elzay Gallery of Art at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 15. This event is free and open to the public.

Nutting is author of the novel “Tampa” and the short story collection “Unclean Jobs for Women and Girls.” The book was selected by judge Ben Marcus as winner of the sixth Starcherone Prize for Innovative Fiction. The book is currently a ForeWard Book of the Year Finalist as well as a current Eric Hoffer Montaigne Medal finalist for thought-provoking texts.

Was it only 10 years ago? Yes!

Was on only 10 years ago?

Yes, here's the 2004 Ada High School homecoming court.

Members from left, Jessica Stuhl, freshman; Holly Musser, sophomore; Casey Simon, queen; Joanna Craig, junior; Callie Hays, senior attendant; Linsday Stuart, senior attendant. Ashley Breidenbach, crown bearer and Evan Mittle, ball bearer. The homecoming king was Kelly Hood.


Look at all those National Geographics - going, going, gone for only 25 cents each!

There must be 20 - more like 50 years of National Geographics for sale at Community Health Professionals.

A serious Ada collector donated his collection to CHP. Individual copies are now on sale at 25 cents each.

Ever wondered what happened during your birthday month, your high school graduation month, or wedding month.

One way to check it out and help Community Health Professional Hospice program is to purchase one these collectible magazines.


Peter, Peter pumpkin eaters

Students at Ready, Set, Grow Pre-school worked on pumpkins this week. All sorts of tools and thoughts went into the exploration.

Here's highlights of Ada school calendar - next week

Look what's on Ada Schools calendar.

Oct. 15 – Senior cap and gown orders in Bulldog Boulevard at 8 a.m.
Oct. 20 – Professional Development Teacher Work Day - No school for students
Oct. 23 – Composite pictures at 7 a.m and 7 through 12 pictures starting at 8:45 a.m. in Band Room
• Extra picture forms available in the high school office
Oct. 28 – 2-Hour Early Dismissal for Teacher-In-Service
