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Miss Vicki's Music Studio invites you enroll today

Several opportunities to join children’s choirs and small music classes for youngsters are available in October, according to Vicki Mills of Miss Vicki’s Music Studio, 2613 State Route 81, Ada.

“Our choirs serve who desire an exciting choral opportunity.  Singers will learn healthy vocal technique, learn to sight-read, enjoy working with like-minded singers of various ages and experience, and develop performing skills through local and studio concerts performing a variety of music,” said Mills. 

The following class options are available:

Serious bell ringing

Ada Presbyterian Church gets a bath and some serious tuck-pointing this summer. Here's a close up of work near the bell tower, high above Ada.

Ada past and present - you know this scene

Pictured here is an Ada scene looking east on Grand Avenue.

The past photo shows the old Ada School building, which was built in 1929. At first, this building was exclusively for high school students, but in 1953, an elementary portion was added and the building became a K-12 learning environment.

In 1971, a new science wing and gymnasium was built, and a second gymnasium was added in 1987.

A bittersweet moment came in 2008 when the current K-12 building was completed and the old school was demolished, leaving the empty field that you can see today.

Bailey Bowers created this composite.

ONU's Phi Mu Delta holding "dine to donate" to benefit St. Jude's Hospital

The Ohio Northern University chapter of Phi Mu Delta will hold a philanthropy dine to donate at Viva Maria's from 4-7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 6. Ten percent of all proceeds will be support Phi Mu Delta's  philanthropy, St. Jude's Hospital.

There is no ticket necessary for entry to the dinner.

ONU Center for Democratic Governance and Rule of Law presents "Blueberry Soup"

Ohio Northern University’s Center for Democratic Governance and Rule of Law will present a screening of “Blueberry Soup” and hold a panel discussion on the documentary with filmmaker Ellen Jarrett in the Dicke Forum at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 7.  The event is free and open to the public.

“Blueberry Soup” chronicles the three-year aftermath of the Icelandic financial collapse, which resulted in the extraordinary re-writing of the nation’s constitution. After extreme frustration and a sense of powerlessness, Iceland elected a committee of 25 non-politicians to rewrite its constitution to ensure that such a disaster would never happen again.

20 homecomings ago...the school year was 1994-95

The Icon continues its series on Ada homecoming courts.

Twenty homecomings ago…here’s Ada High School’s 1994 homecoming court.

From left are freshman attendant Lindsay Daily; sophomore attendant Jill Atkinson; senior attendant Victoria Mattson, Crystal Sharrock (queen); senior attendant Jessica Bolen; and junior attendant Emily Rush.

Senior escorts were David Marshall, Nathan Simon and Nick Sumney.

