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Ada's latest news

Rotary's Super "Bowl" a sporting event of a different kind

Ada Rotary held its first-ever Super "Bowl" at Norada Lanes on Feb. 3. 

Eight teams competed, filling out the bowling alley. According to Rotary members, "There was lots of fun and two teams battled it in extra games."


Kline's Napa won the trophy, over a very strong contender Ohio Northern Unversity Lions team consisting of five ONU student bowlers.

Trevor Neuenschwander from the ONU team scored a 212 for the high game of the night.

Meet Alice in Hardwareland - it's the Icon's newest feature

NOTE: You might say that the Ada Icon has gone to the dogs - it a good way. Welcome to the Ada Icon's newest feature. It focuses on man (and woman's) best friend.

Say "Hello," to Alice in Hardwareland.

Keith and Kathy Wire hold Alice, their 16-year-old dog who has been a fixture of sorts for many years at the Ada business they own, Keith’s Hardware.

Many years ago, Alice was abandoned at the store. The Wires tried to find the owners without success, so they took her in.

Alice has been the store’s mascot for a long time.

Beacon Realty's featured home of the week in Kenton

Becky Neville of Beacon Realty, 208 N. Main St., Ada, announces Beacon's home of the week. 

It is a 3 bedroom, 1 bath residence at 311 Hayes Ave., Kenton. Its list price is  $75,900. For more details open the attachment at the bottom of this story.

Beacon Realty

Ada police log for Jan. 26-Feb. 1

January 26
-          Assist Stuck Motorist on St. Rt. 81
-          Assist Stuck Motorist on Twp. Rd. 35
-          Handled Parking Complaint on S Gilbert
-          Handled Parking Complaint on E Lehr
-          Handled Well Being Check on Autumn Dr.
-          Handled Snowmobile Complaint in the area of Conley, Bakers Field & Grand Ave

The whole world is watching

It's just too bad that the football in the center of this photo couldn't have "MADE IN ADA, OHIO" written in huge lettering. Just the same, the old saying goes, "You can't have a Super Bowl without Ada, Ohio." This photo is from the final ticks of the game clock.

‘The New Age of Legal Diversity’ College of Law’s Forum topics

The Ohio Northern University Pettit College of Law’s 16th annual Diversity Forum will discuss “The New Age of Legal Diversity” in the Celebrezze Large Moot Court Room on Friday, Feb. 20, at 11 a.m.

The ONU Black Law Student Association (BLSA), in partnership with the ONU Student Bar Association, ONU Office of Multicultural Affairs, Black Student Union, the Student Bar Association and the Legal Association of Women, is sponsoring the event.
