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Tiptoe through these tulips. A certain sign of spring in Ada is when the tulips bloom in front of the entrance to Ohio Northern University on south Main Street.

47 school years ago

If you reverse "47" you end up with "74," which is year of this week's historic Ada photo. 

It's the 1974 Ada High School class as seniors, with the photo taken from the school yearbook.

Know anyone in this pictures?

Ada's next Red Cross blood drive May 17

Ada's next American Red Cross blood drive is from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday, May 17, in the Community Health Professionals Ada Visiting Nurses conference room, 1200 S. Main St.

To schedule an appointment, call Mary Hackworth, blood program leader for Ada community blood drives, at 419-604-8569 or 800-Red Cross.

You may also visit, and use the sponsor code: AdaCommunity.

Face coverings are required at this blood donation. 

I’ve had writer’s block lately

In our culture, it’s very common to feel shame when we are not productive, but I know that my self worth should not depend on how much I produce

By Amelia Alexander
Lately I’ve been feeling like an impostor and a failure. The other day, I was being incredibly negative and one of my friends kindly pointed out that I should be all about the growth mindset, considering I have written an entire article about it.

I was feeling embarrassed because he was completely correct. I was being a hypocrite, and I felt very disconnected from the “good writer” people have told me that I am.

I’ve been struggling to write, and the feeling of being stuck has seeped its way into other aspects of my life. 

Ada's 2021-22 school year has time changes

School day will start earlier and will end earlier

Ada schools announce a new starting time and ending time for the school day for the 2021-22 school year.

The announcement was made on the school website on Friday. The announcement follows: 

Through an examination of our school procedures and through feedback we have received over the years, a recommendation was made to the Board of Education at the March 18, 2021, planning session to change the start and end of our school day beginning in the 2021-22 school year.

The recommendation was made to change our school day hours to 8:05 a.m. to 3 p.m. for all students in grades K-12.

Harvest and Herb Festival is back!

Vendor booth application form attached to this story • It takes place Saturday, Sept. 18

• Booth application and rules are attached at the bottom of this story.

Put the Harvest and Herb date on this year's calendar. As always, it's the third Saturday in September.

After a one-year absence, the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce's Harvest and Herb Festival is back, according to Deb Curlis, chamber director.

This year’s festival is from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 18. As in past year’s, it will fill Ada’s Main Street from Highland to College. Main Street will be closed at State Route 235 all the way to State Route 81.
