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Ada's latest news

Keep Hardin County Beautiful beatification project underway

Keep Hardin County Beautiful Commission is sponsoring the Courthouse
Beautification projec
t, formerly known as the “Adopt-An-Urn” project.

Persons may make a donation in honor or memory of someone special for a donation of $25 or more.  

The money received from this project helps to buy plants, potting soil, mulch, for the earth planters around the courthouse, the Liberty garden and Jackson garden.  

Keep Hardin County Beautiful also welcomes businesses to participate in the Courthouse Beautification program.

K-12 shoe voucher program

Through Hardin County Department of Job and Family Services

The Hardin County Department of Job and Family Services announced  it launched a countywide K-12 Shoe Voucher Program for eligible Hardin County families beginning Monday, May 3.

“To be eligible families must reside in Hardin County, have children enrolled in grades K-12 and be at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level.

For a family of four, that’s right around $53,000 a year,” saidJohn Folk, Hardin County JFS Director.

Families or children who are determined to be eligible for the program will receive a voucher for $50 per child from Job & Family Services for shoes. The vouchers can be redeemed at Shoe Sensation in Kenton.

Bluffton's railroads theme of Sunday lecture in Lima

Fred Steiner, featured speaker at the 113th annual membership meeting of the Allen County Historical Society

FROM BLUFFTON ICON - Fred Steiner, owner of Ada Icon, is the featured speaker at the 113th annual membership meeting of the Allen County Historical Society held at 2 p.m., Sunday, April 25, in Lima.

Steiner’s presentation is on the Western Ohio Railway, an electric interurban that passed through Main Street on Bluffton from 1906 to 1932.

His presentation title is “115 years ahead of its time, or what are those rails doing under Main Streeet?”

The talk will include dozens of photos of the interurban in Bluffton and stories about how it impacted the village.

Meet the March Ada students of the month

Kindergarten through eighth grade

Ada elementary and middle school students of the month of March were announced on Ada Bulldogs Facebook.

The students are pictured here by class, from Kindergarten on to eighth grade.

Ada HS graduation will be an in-person event

The school will livestream the ceremony through Facebook

Ada High School commencement will be an in-person event this year. Here's details about the Sunday, May 30, graduation from the Ada school website:

Ada High School graduation will be held at 2 p.m., Sunday, May 30, in the varsity gym in accordance with current Ohio Department of Health and Hardin County Health Department event guidelines. 

Graduates should arrive between 1:15 and 1:30 p.m. and report to the ‘86 gym upon arrival. 

Each student will be provided with four tickets for family and friends. Tickets will be available electronically. 

Mother Nature's spring joke

Okay, Mother Nature, we get it. You let Jack Frost out to play, but forgot to call him in for supper. Wednesday's five inches or so of snow reminds us of our fragile environment. Despite it all, there's a strange beauty in a scene with white snow on red and pink flowering trees. Ken Collins shares these photos with Icon viewers. This photo was taken in rural Ada around 8 p.m. on Tuesday. Click here to view more photos.
