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Icon asks churches for Vacation Bible School information

Ada area congregations holding a Vacation Bible School are invited to contact the Ada Icon with VBS details.

The Icon will post VBS information and we need the following:
Church name
Date of VBS
Time of VBS
Ages of participants
Who to contact to register

We will accept flyers. Send VBS details to: [email protected]

So, you think you know Ada? The answer

So, you think you know Ada? This plaque is on the inside of the Ada swimming pool bath house.

Leah Erin Casey will graduate from Dartmouth College in June

She is a 2017 Allen East HS graduate

Leah Erin Casey, a 2017 Allen East High School graduate, will graduate from Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, on June 13, earning a B.A. in English with Honors.

Ms. Casey graduates summa cum laude and is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society.

She will attend The Queen’s College at the University of Oxford in Oxford, England, in the fall, pursuing an MPhil in English Studies (Medieval Period).

While at Dartmouth College, Casey earned seven citations for meritorious academic achievements and academic. She is also recipient of several scholarships, including a semi-finalist for a Fulbright Scholarship, finalist in District 10 for a Rhodes Scholarship.

Ada HS valedictorians - salutatorian

Ten Ada HS seniors were named 2021 valedictorians and one was named salutatorian at the May 18 senior honors awards ceremony. Click here to read about the students and for a list of all Ada HS senior scholarship winners.

Class of 2021 valedictorians and salutatorian

19 Ada seniors recognized at honors awards ceremony

The Ada High School graduating class of 2021 has 10 valedictorians and one salutatorian. Those students were recognized at the senior honor awards ceremony on May 18.
Aleece Al-Olimat
Alexandra Bates
Kylie Colwell
Brenna Hissong
Barrette Jones
Megan Light
Jacob Morgan
John Brevin Sizemore
Jacob Thaxton
Rebekah Walker 
Ryan Kilgallon

Aleece Al-Olimat daughter of Khalid Al-Olimat and Feng Jao
• Plans to attend The Ohio State University to double major in Computer Science and Neuroscience

Ada senior graduation walk Wednesday a.m.

Last day of school includes 2-hour early release on Thursday

Ada seniors final day of classes was Monday, but there’s still several events for the graduates of 2021 this week.

The traditional Ada High School seniors graduation walk takes place at 10 a.m. on Wednesday.

The annual event, with lots of pomp, enables the 2021 grads to walk the school halls one final time. And, the walk becomes a celebration as underclassmen stand in the hallways to watch.

Following the graduation walk, seniors will hold a graduation practice in the 1986 gym.

A baccalaureate service for seniors takes place at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the band shelter at the Ada War Memorial Park.
