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Ada's latest news

No board action taken at Saturday special meeting

Ada school board took no action during a special meeting called on Saturday morning, May 29, according to Meri Skilliter, Ada superintendent.

The purpose of the special meeting is for “Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or regulations or state statutes.”

The board called to order at 10:04 a.m.  Present were Amy Mullins, Troy Erickson and Ron Fleming. Absent were Matt Gossman and Ernie Daugherty. 

The board went into executive session at 10:04 a.m., reconvened at 10:50 a.m., and adjourned at 10:50 a.m..

Bulldogs at track regionals

Hissong and Sumner compete in girls' events

By Cort Reynolds
TIFFIN - Two Ada track and field athletes competed in the Div. III regional meet Wednesday and Friday at Tiffin.

Liberty Center won the girls team title with 64 points, well ahead of second-place Colonel Crawford (46), and Defiance Tinora (43).

Columbus Grove captured the boys regional crown with 104 points, doubling up second place Archbold (52). Hopewell-Loudon finished third (51), while Bluffton took fourth with 50 points. 

Ada senior Brenna Hissong finished 10th in the 400 meter dash preliminary race on a hot Wednesday evening to miss qualifying for the finals Friday by two spots. 

On the banks of the the Scioto

While many have forgotten the second war for independence from the British, there is a local reminder. During the War of 1812, Fort McArthur was established on the banks of the Scioto River several miles east of McGuffey and Foraker. That site is now preserved as a small cemetery for American soldiers who fought in the war.  The Hardin County Museum and Historical Society cares for the cemetery and made sure it was ready for Memorial Day. These photos help us remember. (Photos by Ken Collins)

Glenn Fields was a former resident

He was active in several Ada community organizations • Graduated from Ada HS and Ohio Northern

Former Ada resident, Glenn C. Fields, passed away May 6, 2021, in his home at Fairview Park, Ohio.

Glenn was born in Chicago, Illinois, on Oct. 11, 1940, to the late Earl and Jean Fields.

After some early years in Milford, Ohio, the Fields family moved to Ada to open the Fields Bakery on Main Street.

It was here, in Ada, that Glenn spent the majority of his life. He learned at a young age, the value of hard work, loyalty, service, and teamwork, in regards to family, friends, and community.

Jackie Williams was a former commander of Ada VFW post

 Jackie Williams, 72, passed away on Sunday, May 30, 2021, at 9:10 a.m. at his residence in Ada.

He was born on July 23, 1948, in Lima, Ohio, to the late Harry and Marguerite “Maggie” (McElroy) Williams.  Jackie was previously married to Melanie Jettinghoff.

Jackie retired from Durez in Kenton.  He was a U.S. Army veteran who served during the Vietnam War.  He was a life member and former post commander of the Ada VFW Post #9381.

Red, white and you

Ada Memorial Day observation on Monday

Roger L. Friend, American Legion Department of Ohio commander, is the guest speaker of the Monday, May 31, Ada Memorial Day service, according to Matt Crawford, commander of the Ada American Legion.

The ceremony is at Woodlawn Cemetery at 1 p.m. on May 31. It is held in cooperation between the Ada American Legion and Ada Veterans of Foreign Wars.

In case or rain, the service will take place at the Ada VFW Post 9381, north of Ada.

Friend was appointed commander of the American Legion Department of Ohio in 2019.

As department commander of the largest veteran’s organization statewide, Friend is the lead ambassador of over 540 post and 90,000 members.
