The novel is an elegant ode to the opportunities of living in America, and an indictment of civil war. Grisham writes with intense compassion for his characters and the world they live in. It is a joy to read while understanding a different world exists
Posted by Fred Steiner on Sunday, June 20, 2021
Review by Robert McCool
John Grisham, again.
First off, I apologize for being gone so long. Life throws stuff at us that alters our plans without warning. But that stuff is over now and I have time to read again. And what a book to begin with.
John Grisham's thirty-ninth novel, Sooley ( Doubleday, ISBN 978-0-385-54768-0) is a masterwork written by an author at the top of his game. And a game is just what this novel about. Basketball.
Pack a picnic basket, pull up a comfortable lawn chair and experience the extraordinary: Ohio Northern University’s sixth annual “Patriotic Pops” concert will be held Friday, July 2 at 7 p.m.
The concert will represent the Lima Symphony Orchestra’s return to in-person performances after a pandemic-related pause that has lasted more than a year.
With all of the energy and synergy that occurs during a live concert, this free, outdoor Independence Day celebration in front of McIntosh Center promises to be meaningful and memorable for musicians and audience members alike.
Work scheduled in Kenton, Alger, McGuffey, Roundhead and Forest
Posted by Fred Steiner on Sunday, June 20, 2021
Ohio Department of Transportation announced the following construction projects that areanticipated to affect highways in Hardin County next week. All outlined work is weather permitting.
State Route 37 between the village of Forest and the Hancock County line may have temporary traffic impacts for finish work following a resurfacing project.
State Route 53 between the village of Forest and the city of Kenton may have temporary traffic impacts for finish work following a resurfacing project.
Posted by Anne Pannabecke... on Saturday, June 19, 2021
People with medication allergies or a history of allergic reactions are often wary of trying new medications or vaccines. When initial reports of reaction to COVID-19 vaccines came out, experts gathered to determine how to best counsel patients with a history of allergies regarding weighing the risk versus benefits of the vaccine. Current Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines for people with a history of allergic reaction to vaccines or injectable medications is to consider a consultation with an Allergist/Immunologist prior to vaccination. Making the decision about whether to get the vaccine can be difficult. Following these five tips can make the decision easier.