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Ada's latest news

Icons pass to second generation owners

The Bluffton and Ada Icons passed on to their second generation of owners at the beginning of the month. Fred and Mary Pannabecker Steiner, who launched the two community journalism websites, announced Ryan and Gayle Lowry of Bluffton as the new owners beginning July 1. Read the full story.

Barbara Webb 1949 - 2021

Barbara S. Webb, 71, passed away on Saturday, July 3, 2021, at 1:01 a.m. surrounded by her family at Mercy Health-St. Rita’s Medical Center, Lima.

She was born on Dec. 10, 1949, in Lima to the late Tomi and Ruth (Gibson) Caudill. Barbara was married to Gary Tidd and he preceded her in death. She then married Gary Neil Webb and he died on Dec. 18, 2017.

Barbara was a member of the Ark of the Covenant Baptist Church, Lima.

Ka BOOOOM in Ada

Fourth of July weekend fireworks lit up the Ada sky for the first time in many years. The fireworks show on July 2 was at the Ada Park. Ken Collins shares these shots for Icon viewers.

It's happening in July in Hardin County

Update of county events from Hardin Chamber and Business Alliance

Several July events are scheduled in Kenton. This information is from the Hardin County Chamber and Business Alliance, of which the Ada Icon is a member.

• Cruise night, Kenton
Second and fourth Fridays all summer, 7 to 9 p.m.
Courthouse Square
July 10 and July 24

• Eats on the streets
Saturday, July 10, 5 to 11 p.m.
Downtown Kenton – craft and draft beers, local wins, classic car show, live music.

Ada congregations collecting school supplies

Supply list attached at the bottom of the story

Ada congregations are collecting school supplies for students in the school district so that all students can start school with everything needed, according to Gwen Jochims of the planning committee.

The collection is from now through Aug. 5. Attached at the bottom of this story is the supply list of items the group is collecting.

All items can be dropped off at:
Ada Public Library
Liberty National Bank
Buckeye East
First Presbyterian Church
First United Methodist Church
St. Paul's Church
Grace Gospel Church
ONU Chapel

Columbus Moore retired from Alan Nott Honda

Columbus Moore, 88, went to be with the Lord on Wednesday, June 30, 2021, at his residence.

He was born on Dec. 31, 1932, in Prestonsburg, Kentucky, to Peter and Emaline (Hicks) Moore who preceded him in death. On Aug. 21, 1953, Columbus married Betty L. Patton and she died on Feb. 22, 2016.

Columbus worked at Sheller Globe, Lima and Rudolph Foods, Westminster. He retired from Alan Nott Honda, Lima. He was a member of the Pentecostal Tabernacle Church, Alger. Columbus enjoyed spending time with family, attending church, reading the Bible, growing a large garden, and watching the Andy Griffith show most evenings.
