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Ada's latest news

Ada police log April 6-12

April 6th
-          Handled a suspicious vehicle complaint
-          Assisting other agency
-          Handled non-injury accident, report taken
-          Handled a fight complaint
-          Handled a unwanted person complaint
-          Traffic stop warning for red light
-           Traffic stop warning for no tail lights

Swimming pool improvement update on Wednesday's CIC agenda

An update on the Ada Municipal Swimming Pool is on Wednesday's Community Improvement Corp (CIC) agenda.

CIC meets at noon in the Dean's Heritage Room in the McIntosh Center at ONU. Jamie Hall will provide an update on the pool improvement project.

The meeting is open to the publicl

Ada building renovation underway for use by three businesses

The property just north of Dollar General, 4271 SR 235, has been purchased and is being renovated for three businesses.

Pictured are Billy Johnson handing tools to Kenny Gibson. Gibson, Ray Seymour and Andrea Renner will operate three businesses from this location: Gibson's Construction, Spray Foam, and Home Inspection.
(Monty Siekerman photo)

Hardin County Cottontails 4-H Club elects officers

By Jacey Madden, Reporter

The Hardin County Cottontails held their bi-monthly meeting Sunday April 12th at the Alger Park.  An election of officers for 2015 took place.  The elected officers for 2015 are as follows:

President: Austin Decker
Vice president: Cassie Decker
Secretary: Miranda Webb
Treasurer:  Abbie Culver
Reporter:  Jacey Madden
Health:  Allison Moore
Safety:  Zac Madden
Recreation:  Shelby Sprang

Ada chamber invites you to the park on Saturday - don't miss it

"Saturday in the park, you'd think it was the Fourth of July."

Those lyrics by the band Chicago describe the atmosphere you may anticipate on Saturday in Ada's park.

Ada's Spring Event takes place at Ada War Memorial Park on Saturday, April 18, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The event is sponsored by the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce and is free and open to the public.

ONU goes global

Oyun Baldan, an Ohio Northern University student from Mongolia, shared her culture with persons attending Friday's ONU Multicultural Fair. For more photos of the evening view the story below. (Photos by Monty Siekerman)
