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Ada's latest news

Kenton Amateur Radio Club meets April 27

The Kenton Amateur Radio Club will meet on Monday, April 27, at 6 p.m. at Henry’s Restaurant, Kenton. Dinner is at 6 p.m. with the meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. Anyone interested in Amateur Radio is welcome to attend.


45 Ada eighth graders will visit nation's capital

It's off to Washington, D.C., soon for 45 Ada eighth grade students and six chaperones.

The group will leave on the evening of April 15 and return April 19 after touring monuments and memorials, including the Holocaust Museum and laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Mike Styer is trip coordinator. This is the 16th trip to D.C. he has organized for Ada students.
The students earned money for the trip by selling Mothers' Day flowers and 50/50 tickets at basketball games.
(Monty Siekerman)

215 Willeke Ave. residence is Beacon Realty home of the week

Beacon Realty's Featured Home of the Week is a listing at 215 Willeke Ave., Ada, according to Becky Neville.

The listing has three bedrooms and 1 1/2 baths. The list price is $114,900. For additional details on the listing open the printer-friendly attachment at the bottom of this story.

Liberty Belles and Boys elect officers

By Maddie Gossard
The Liberty Belles and Boys had a 4-H organized for the year earlier this week. There were 39 members who attended. 

Officers were elected as follows Will Allen - President, Nora Dellifield - Vice President, Kaitlyn Long - Secretary, Casey Swick- Treasurer, Maddie Gossard - Reporter and Historian, Jon Allen- Photographer, Katey Stuart - Health, Andrew Rohrabaugh- Safety, Carson Gossard- Flags, Molly Sheets, Paige Jochims, and Reece Evans- Recreation Leaders. 

Dedication on Sunday

Formal dedication of the Ada First United Methodist Church is Sunday at the new $6 million, 25,000 square foot church located at 301 N. Main St. The worship service will begin at 10 am. Rev. Barry R. Burns, district superintendent, will be present. There will be a special presentation of a piece written by Jonathan Wey of ONU titled "Unless the Lord Builds the House." It will be sung by the Chancel Choir and the University Singers under the direction of Dr. Ben Ayling, II The ribbon cutting will occur at the close if the service, about 11:30 a.m. Rev.

This weather is just ducky...for ducks

With recent rains, Mary Downing has a collection of happy ducks at her place on State Route 235 just north of Ada.

The waddler with a green head is a Roueon, the brown one is his lady friend. The tan ones are Buff Ducks.

Know what a group of ducks is called? Answer: flock, brace, raft, team, paddlings.
(Monty Siekerman)
