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Ada's latest news

Ada seniors take the 109th interclass competition trophy

Seniors rule!

Ada High School held its 109th Interclass competition in the HS auditorium in late March. The senior class was this year's winners.

This is an annual scholastic event in which the sophomores, juniors, and seniors compete against each other in the areas of essay, poetry, short story, and dramatic readings.

Here were the competitors and their topics:

Junior--Alexandra Boyadzhiev--"Feminism"
*Senior--Alexis Amburgey--"Immunizations"
Sophomore--Makenna Callahan--"No Choice"

Medical Disposal Day included lots of volunteers

Law enforcement and pharmacy students teamed up for Medical Disposal Day in Ada on Saturday.

Forty-two people showed up to safely dispose of unwanted or expired medical supplies, mostly drugs. Some drugs can safely be flushed down the drain while others cannot because water plant filtration systems cannot fully treat them.

Pharmacy students helping are from the Academy of Students of Pharmacy. They worked with the sheriff, his deputies and Volunteers in Police Service.

Liberty National Bank offers "Free Shred Your Documents Week" May 4-8

Liberty National Bank is looking to help in the fight against Identity Theft and fraud by sponsoring a Free Shred Your Documents Week that allows community members to safely dispose of sensitive documents.

“We are proud to offer this service free of charge as a way to give back to our communities,” said Ronald Zimmerly, president and CEO.

Liberty National Bank’s Free Shred Your Documents Week will be Monday, May 4 – Friday, May 8t, at all of Liberty National Bank’s office locations.

Ada police log April 6-12

April 6th
-          Handled a suspicious vehicle complaint
-          Assisting other agency
-          Handled non-injury accident, report taken
-          Handled a fight complaint
-          Handled a unwanted person complaint
-          Traffic stop warning for red light
-           Traffic stop warning for no tail lights

Swimming pool improvement update on Wednesday's CIC agenda

An update on the Ada Municipal Swimming Pool is on Wednesday's Community Improvement Corp (CIC) agenda.

CIC meets at noon in the Dean's Heritage Room in the McIntosh Center at ONU. Jamie Hall will provide an update on the pool improvement project.

The meeting is open to the publicl

Ada building renovation underway for use by three businesses

The property just north of Dollar General, 4271 SR 235, has been purchased and is being renovated for three businesses.

Pictured are Billy Johnson handing tools to Kenny Gibson. Gibson, Ray Seymour and Andrea Renner will operate three businesses from this location: Gibson's Construction, Spray Foam, and Home Inspection.
(Monty Siekerman photo)
