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ONU celebrates July 4th with Lima Symphony "Patriotic Pops" concert on the lawn

The Lima Symphony Orchestra will celebrate the Fourth of July with a “Patriotic Pops” concert on the campus of Ohio Northern University. The event is free and open to the public.

The concert will take place on the sculpture mall east of McIntosh Center between Presser and Weber Halls. This will be a fun filled family event exploding with patriotic music and a tribute to our armed services. The concert begins at 7 p.m.

It was the 1973-74 school year

Here's the Ada High School leaders from 41 school years ago. It's a photo of the Student Council from the 1973-74 school year.

Names of students are under the photo. Click on image to enlarge.

Summer series of Paint Inn at The Inn at ONU starts soon

Registrations are being accepted for the next Paint Inn at The Inn at ONU, according to Marilyn Reed, instructor.

"We are now scheduling a summer series of ONU Paint Inn. These being at 6 p.m., Thursday, June 4," she said. The June project will be painting sunset on the lake.

• At 6 p.m., Wednesday, July 1, the painting project will be bicycle with flower basket.

Here's what's on the Ada Senior Citizens calendar

Ada Senior Citizens have a busy May and June. Here's their calendar of events:

Wednesday, May 13, noon - Meeting at Community Health Center, Ada. George Haver will conduct a class on making a craft item.

Tuesday, May 26 - Ada Senior Citizens will provide the meal for Restore. They will
need volunteers to serve or prepare food. Chloe Cole will coordinate. Call 419-634-9030 to volunteer.

Wednesday, May 27, noon - Meeting at the Community Health Professionals, for refreshments followed by cards or board games. Toe nail clinic.

They learned about eating heathy

Ready, Set, Grow Preschool offered a big thank you to Kathy Oliver, OSU Extension, and Turcina McNeilly, Kenton-Hardin Health Department, for bringing the Healthy Lifestyles Coalition Program to the Preschool recently.

We had a wonderful time learning about the healthy food we can get from the Earth. Each child went home with a lunch box and healthy food!," said Jamie Dellifield, school director.

Will perform in Bluffton

Stephen Johnson of Ada, will perform at the Bluffton arts and crafts festival Saturday, May 16. The bagpiper will perform in the late morning at the Bluffton show, which is on Main Street.
