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Ada's latest news

Custom built in Ada

"Custom built." Fine Touch Furniture, Ada, recently posted these photos of furniture projects at the business. Click here to visit the shop's Facebook for more recent photos.

Soccer workshop May 15

A soccer workshop takes place Friday, May 15 at 5:30 p.m. at the Ada Park on the U15 field. Players ages 11 and older are welcome to attend. It will be run by Mark Olah.

For more details go to the Ada Soccer Facebook.

Lots going on as the school year comes to a close

As the school year comes to a close there are several important events remaining on the calendar. Those event, taken from the school website, follow:

May 15th: Spring Fever Follies at 7:00 p.m.
May 19th: Seniors last Day/Community Service
May 19th: Band Concert at 7:30 p.m.
May 20th: Baccalaureate Service at 7:00 p.m. ONU Chapel
May 24th: Commencement at 2:00 p.m.

Hardin County Hootenannies 4-H members receive project books

By Riley Fleece, reporter

The Hardin County Hootenannies met at the Ag Credit Building in Kenton. President Isaac Davis opened the meeting and asked Sean Hurley to lead the pledge to the American flag and Riley Fleece to lead the 4-H pledge.

The 4-H project books were handed out and fee of $6/book are due by the next meeting. 

Dates to remember: 
June 1st - deadline for having livestock projects on your farm. 
June 16th - 4-H fishing derby,
June 20th - deadline for State Fair entries, and
June 24th - Quality Assurance at the Fair Community Building.  Refreshments were provided by Miranda Holbrook.

Dunkirk car show-community festival June 20

This year's Dunkirk Car Show and Community Festival is Saturday, June 20, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Dunkirk Park.

The festival includes music, food, fun and games. Classic cars and crafters will have displays. Chicken dinners will be available.

The festival is open to vendors, crafters and car show registrants. Registration for cars is $10 at the park. The first 50 registered get a dash plaque. Trophies will be awarded. For questions call Julia Caldwell 419-296-7744 or 567-674-0458

Roger Harpster 1922-2015

Roger E. Harpster, 92, died on Wednesday, May 13, 2015, at 6:10  p.m. at St. Rita’s Medical Center, Lima.

He was born on June 5, 1922, in Roundhead Township, Hardin County, Ohio to Anthony and Mae (Thomas) Harpster and they preceded him in death. On April 4, 1950, he married Lucille Fry and she died on April 8, 2012.

He retired from Ford Motor Company on June 5, 1984, after working 26 years as a sub-assemblyman. He was a graduate of Roundhead High School in 1940. He was a member of the Lawrence Valley Grange.
