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Ada musician

Ada musician Stephen Johnson entertained persons attending Bluffton's arts and crafts show on Saturday. Johnson, an Irish bagpiper, was among the musicians who performed at Bluffton's festival.

Was it the Dewey Decimal System in 1965?

One-half century later there are still books to be read. Here's the Ada High School student librarians from the 1964-65 school year. Recognize anyone? Names of students are under the photo.

Click on image to enlarge.

Ada police log May 11-17

May 11th
-          Handled a loud party complaint
-          Handled a loud noise / fireworks complaint
-          Handled reckless driver complaint
-          Handled loud party complaint
-          Assist other agency
-          Handled theft complaint
-          Handled a burglary complaint, report taken
-          Handled a possible burglary complaint
-          Assist EMS on St. Rt. 235
-          Handled loud music complaint
-          Handled a non-injury accident, report taken
-          Handled a suspicious vehicle / activity complaint
-          Handled parking complaint

Carl McDorman was a lifelong Harrod resident

Carl McDorman, 86, died on Monday, May 18, 2015, at 5:50 a.m. at Lima Memorial Health System, Lima.

He was born on Jan. 21, 1929, in the home he lived in all his life, in Harrod, Ohio to Ray and Gladys (Jacobs) McDorman and they preceded him in death. He married Ivalou B. Smith on Nov. 21, 1951 and she died on April 17, 2008.

St. Mark's VBS June 8-12 registration underway

Camp Discovery, St. Mark's Lutheran Church Vacation Bible School is now accepting registrations for their June 8-12 VBS.

The VBS takes place from 9 a.m. to noon from Monday through Friday, June 8-12. It is open to any pre-school age through sixth grade youth. Seventh grade through adults are leadership helpers.

All students who register by June 1will be entered in the drawing for four movie passes and other great prizes. CLICK HERE for registration information.

Presenting the Junior Varsity Singers

Here are members of the Ada Junior Varsity Singers!

The group had tits debut performance at Friday's Spring Fever Follies.

Arlene Allison, Cindy Boehm, Brittany Daniels, and Julie Thaxton recruited the students, conducting the clinic, and fostering the interest in these young people. 

There's lots more photos of the Spring Fever Follies found on the Ada Music Boosters Facebook page. Click here to see them.

