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ONU alumni earn awards at Wassenberg Art Center exhibit

The works of Ohio Northern University’s art and design alumni were recently selected for exhibit and earned awards at the 59th Annual June Art Exhibit at the Wassenberg Art Center located in Van Wert.

The exhibit originated with founding art club members and continues today, featuring about 80 pieces of original art by artists from the tri-state region. Today, the art center has grown to hold one of northwest Ohio’s best juried art exhibits, with a reputation for high quality of work.

Summer cleaning

Ever wonder what happens at the Ada school during the summer months? The custodians and summer crew work to clean each classroom from top to bottom. The Icon borrowed this photo from Ada Bulldogs Facebook.

I want it reupholstered in leather - Fine Touch can do it

"This is a really different antique that has been reupholstered in leather!" says Dan Garver of Fine Touch Furniture and Upholstery, 513 N. Johnson St., Ada.

The Icon borrowed this photo from the Fine Touch Facebook site where several recent reupholstery projects are displayed in photos.

July 8 next ReStore senior dance

The next senior dance at ReStore, 210 N. Main St., Ada, is from 2-4 p.m., Wednesday, July 8. Walter Miller plays the favorites.

Fishing derby and fish fry latest Hootenannies' activity

Report by Riley Fleece

The Hardin County Hootenannies met at Advisor Grant Mizek's farm. There we had our Fishing Derby and a fish fry.  We started with a brief meeting.  President Isaac Davis opened and asked Sean Hurley to lead the American pledge and Levi Beiler led the 4-H pledge. Secretary Miranda Holbrook took roll call and asked for our favorite foods.  There were seven members present.

Sugar Grove United Methodist silent auction, ice cream social July 11

Sugar Grove United Methodist Church will hold its second annual ice cream social and silent auction from 5 to 7 p.m., Saturday, July 11.

The silent auction will close at 6:45 p.m. and includes several gift baskets and donated items. 

An adult ticket costs $6 and includes a shredded chicken or barbecue sandwich, choice of side, choice of salad, drink, and Dietsch Brothers Ice Cream. 

A child ticket costs $3 and includes hot dog, mac and cheese, applesauce, drink, Dietsch Brothers Ice Cream, and a cookie or brownie. 

For tickets see any church member or call (419) 306-0577.
