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Ada's latest news

Pharmacy student receives Premier Partner Scholarship

Emily Blum, a 2015 Ohio Northern University pharmacy graduate, was selected as one of the Premier Partner Scholarship award-winners and was honored for her achievements at the Cleveland Clinic Health System Pharmacy Resident graduation dinner on Monday, June 22.

Blum was recognized for her outstanding achievements in academic performance and experiential rotations at the Cleveland Clinic Health System Pharmacy. She received $1,000 and a plaque at the dinner.

Jungle Safari VBS at First Baptist

Dressed for the part, adults take time to pose for a picture during the First Baptist Church VBS which has Jungle Safari as its theme this year.

Fifteen youngsters attended on Tuesday. The closing program will be at 8 p.m. on Friday.

Pictured are (adults, from left) Tom Ward, Pastor Jack Duffy, and Travis Watson; (children, from left) Lily Peterman, Presly Watson, and Logan Jolliff.

Giant jungle creatures roam the First Baptist Church during VBS this week. Pictured with lions and tigers and bears, oh my, are from left are Kennedy Jones, Ty Mowery, and Saralynn Myers.
(Monty Siekerman)

They are "shining for Jesus" at Church of Christ VBS

Shiny balloons indicate the theme, "Shine for Jesus," at the Church of Christ VBS this week.

Pictured are Pastor and Mrs. Bill Roszman with (from left) Kaiden Sedlock, Wesley Horn, Raeya Finn, and Shane Spencer.

Eight youngsters attended on Tuesday. The closing program will be during the 10:30 an worship service on Sunday.
(Monty Siekerman)

Eats on the Street event Friday night in Kenton 5-10 p.m.

Kenton Historic Courthouse District (HCD), part of the Hardin County Chamber & Business Alliance, will hold a new major summer event in Kenton’s Historic Courthouse District Friday, June 26, from 5 to 10 p.m.

“Eats on the Street” Friday Night Food Truck Fest will include six food trucks from Columbus:
• The Paddy Wagon,
• Coldstone Creamery,
• Pitabilities,
• Schmidt's Sausage Truck,
• Phillybuster and
• Sticky Fingers.

Library pool party on July 2

Ada Public Library will get wet on July 2 - so to speak.

The library's Pool Party, which is Thursday, July 2, at 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Ada Pool, according to Amanda Bennett, director.

A rain date is Friday, July 3, same time.

"Kids will swim until a little after 12 p.m., then have lunch, and a few of the kids will be chosen to do terrible, awful and entertaining things to Ms. Natalie and myself," said Bennett.

Swim lesson volunteers meet June 29

Ada Kiwanis Club-sponsored American Red Cross swimming lessons are set for the weeks of July 6th and 13th from 11 a.m. to noon at the Ada pool.

The will be a swimming lesson meeting Monday, June 29, from 9 –11 a.m. at the home of Bruce and Sandy Neely. 
