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Ada's latest news

Not your average bear

Klondike is one busy mascot. Without a doubt, Klondike is the most photographed character in Ada this month.

Here's a familiar Klondike pose as the third new student orientation took place today on campus.

Here it comes

You already know this - but here's what it looks like very high above Ada. Get your umbrella ready and your sump pump tuned up. It will be a rainly weekend.

No fireworks in Bluffton on June 27

Bluffton's fireworks scheduled for Saturday, June 27, are postponed due to the anticipated rain on Saturday, according to the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce.

In addition, Mennonite Memorial Home's Concert on the Lawn, planned June 27, is postponed.

Watch the Icon for rescheduling of both events.

Gifted high school students studying this month at ONU

Ohio Northern University is currently hosting its 11th Summer Academic and Honors Institute for gifted high school students who will be freshmen, sophomores, juniors or seniors in 2015-16.

This year’s institute includes 14 challenging courses scheduled over the month of June. 

Each weeklong course provides a great way to investigate potential career choices or college majors. Students completing a course can also earn college credit.


This Mustang GT has been in the family for 48 years

There’s a story behind every car and this Ada vehicle has lots of stories to tell. It’s Bob Simmons 1966 Mustang GT.

For starters, this car has been in the same family for over 48 years.

The Icon found it on display earlier this month at the Bluffton Lions Club Festival of Wheels.

This Mustang has a two-generation family ownership. It was originally purchased new in 1966 in Upper Sandusky by Bob’s father-in-law, Loren Schoenberger, now 94.

Bob says the car was driven by his mother-in-law from 1966-1995. It was also driven by the Schoenberger’s daughters, Jill and Jan, during their high school years.

Digging it

Here's Klingler Road west of Ohio Northern's football stadium. The road is closed this summer as improvements are made. 
