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Introducing the 2015 Ada Harvest and Herb queen candidates...

Here are the candidates for queen of the 2015 Ada Area Chamber of Commerce Harvest and Herb Festival.

The candidates were judged on three written essays and a personal interview. The queen will be announced Saturday, Sept. 19, at noon, at the entertainment area located at Cole’s Motor Lot in down town Ada as a part of the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce Harvest and Herb Festival.

Back row…left to right:

• Senior, Sidney Faine, daughter of Jodi and Bill Faine

• Senior, Alexis Gonder, daughter of Mollie and Scott Gonder

• Junior, Libbie Milks, daughter of Mike and Beth Milks


Every town has a super hero. It appears that Ada's is Jared Craig. The Icon caught up with Jared at Friday's home football game.

ONU's Homecoming theme is ‘Let the Good Times Roar’

Ohio Northern University will celebrate Homecoming 2015 from Sept. 25-27. All alumni, friends, family, faculty and students are welcome to attend.

With its “Let the Good Times Roar” theme, Homecoming weekend will kick off on Friday, Sept. 25, with a Law Alumni Luncheon at 11 a.m. and Law PAD CLE at 1 p.m. At 6:30 p.m., former athletes will be honored during the ONU Athletic Hall of Fame induction ceremony and banquet.

The ONU Choral Collage will perform in the Snyder Hall Recital Hall in Presser Hall at 8 p.m. on Friday.

Ohio Northern University presents a celebration of choral music

ADA — The Ohio Northern University Department of Music presents a celebration of choral music as part of the ONU Homecoming festivities in the Snyder Recital Hall in the Presser Building on Friday, Sept. 25, at 8 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.      

The evening’s program will begin with the ONU Men’s Chorus presenting a variety of glee club pieces, and the ONU Women’s Chorus will follow with popular musical settings voiced for women.

The ONU Chamber Singers will offer an assortment of styles in both Latin and English. Finishing the program will be the University Singers with music in German and English and a spiritual by Moses Hogan.

Challenged Champions Equestrian Center seeks volunteers

Challenged Champions Equestrian Center, 11913 Road 6, Ottawa, invites persons to volunteer for the fall session, now underway.

Volunteers are needed for classes held Mondays-Thursday evenings and Wednesday-Friday mornings. No horse experience is necessary.

For more infomation contact the volunteer coordinator at 419-235-0626.

Horns up!

Jonathan Lischak, Ada High School band director, directs the marching band during Friday's first home football game of the season.
