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A Klondike Christmas tree

Many versions of ONU mascot Klondike, soft and cuddly, adorn a holiday tree in the ONU Bookstore. The season approaches. Soon it will be Klondike weather. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Library AmeriCorps volunteer can help you with computer, laptop, tablet and smartphones

Photo and story by Monty Siekerman
Need help with a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone?

Max Gauthier is there to help. The service is free, funded by a $1 billion annual federal budget for AmerriCorps.

Max is available at the Ada Public Library from now until August. He is usually available from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday and from 2 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday. For an appointment for one-on-one help, call the library at 429-634-5246.

He has studied computer engineering at Ohio Northern and taken courses at Rhodes State.

Look what Artists Against Hunger can achieve with "small change"

Photos and story by Monty Siekerman

400 bowls x $10 = $4,000.

That's the amount raised Saturday at an Artists Against Hunger luncheon held at the Wilson Art Building.

Ceramic bowls were created by ONU students, faculty, and staff and Ada students. Even those who attend the Child Development Center had a part in it.


For $10, a purchaser received a unique bowl of their choosing and could fill it as many times as they wished from an array of various handmade soups kept warm in 24 crock pots. There was pizza for the anti-soup crowd.

Ohio State University Extension, Hardin County to celebrate Family & Consumer Sciences Day

Icon viewers are invited to join the second annual Family & Consumer Sciences Day—the national celebration that educates families about the importance of preparing healthy meals and “dining in” together.

Families are encouraged to "Dine In" on Saturday, Dec. 3,  by preparing and eating a healthy meal together.

“Family & Consumer Sciences Day calls attention to something simple families can do to be physically, mentally, and financially healthier—prepare and eat a nutritious meal together.

Hanson-Neely Funeral Home plans 12th annual remembrance service on Dec. 12

Holidays, filled with memories, can be difficult for those who have lost loved ones.

Hanson-Neely Funeral Home, Ada will hold its 12th annual remembrance service at 3 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 12, at its Ada chapel, 311 E. Lima Ave., according to Bruce Neely.

Persons attending may arrive anytime between 2 and 3 p.m. Upon arrival, a personalized ornament will be given to the family to place on a large Christmas tree. It will be in memory of someone from the family attending the service.

At 3 p.m., Rev. Mary Jo Yeakel, pastor of First United Methodist Church, Ada, and Randy Davis, pastor of Lima First Assembly of God, will each present a short memorial service.

It's a doll's world

Among the many items at this year's Ada Festival of Tree's silent auction is a doll house. It's ready to move into as you can see by this room. And it comes with a grand piano. This year's Festival of Trees continues until Friday at 6 p.m. at Community Health Professionals. 1200 S. Main St., Ada
