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ReStore's holiday calendar full of activities

The holiday season is a busy one for ReStore Community Center.

Events include:

• Thanksgiving
Tuesday, Nov. 24, 4-6 p.m.

Community meal. No reservations necessary.

• Kid’s Christmas Day
Friday, Dec. 4, 5-8 p.m.

Children can meet with Santa and choose gifts for their families. ReStore volunteers wrap the gifts and make them ready to be placed under the tree.

•Bake sale
Saturday, Dec. 5, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Cookies, cakes, muffins and more. ReStore welcomes contributors to bring baked goods for the sale.

AdaHS goes 4-4 in NWC scholastic bowl meet

Ada High School's scholastic bowl team finsihed in fourth place in the Northwest Conference Scholastic Bowl competition held eariler this month.

Ada finished 4-4 overall. Paulding was this year's winner with a 7-1 record. The attachment at the bottom of this story shows how each team placed.

Beginning to look a lot like...

Ruth Roider (left) and Jo Nell Hanratty help decorate the Depot for the holiday season. Among upcoming events to be held at the historic depot are Merry on Main, Candy Cane Tour, and private parties. To rent the Depot, call the Village Office. (Monty Siekerman)

14 vendors in Depot on Small Business Saturday - just in time for Christmas

Small Business Saturday is Nov. 28 and the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce has several reasons to bring shoppers to downtown.

Here are events planned:
• At the Depot – Fourteen crafters and home business representatives will offer “cash and carry” items from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Shoppers will enjoy free donuts and coffee compliments of the chamber.

• Reichert’s – many items will be priced at 30 to 50 percent off during the day.

• Liberty National Bank – Open a children’s savings account and receive a $25 Visa gift card

Bluffton invites you to Saturday's Blaze of Lights

The stage is set for the 2015 Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce’s Blaze of Lights. This year’s event, the 29th annual Blaze, begins Saturday, Nov. 28, in downtown Bluffton. Here is the up-to-the-minute Blaze information.

Friday, Nov. 27 - free movie at Shannon Theatre
Tommy Tire Sales and Stratton Auto Group present two free showings of “It’s a Wonderful Life,” at the Shannon Theatre. Showings are at 1:30 and 4 p.m.

One-of-a-kind Bald's in ReStore's window

What do you do with a giant squash? You turn it into an eagle, of course. Sandra Litton was given the challenge of determining what to do with a squash that had been donated to ReStore. She came up with this eagle that she painted with acrylic. She named the eagle Freedom. It will be displayed in the front window of the community center. (Monty Siekerman photo)
