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Ada's latest news

Bluffton's Tommy Tire Sales expanding to Ada

A new business will open soon in Ada.

Tommy Tires Sales of Bluffton will open a store south of Ada at 3033 State Route 309. The business is located at the intersection of 309 and State Route 235, in the former carpet warehouse.

Tom Dotson, owner of the tire sales, said that his business will stock:
• passenger and light truck tires
• small farm tires
• all-steel carports –used for garages, utility and agriculture buildings
• trailers

Dotson says that once the business is open and in operation he will add a 40- by 80-foot addition to it.

Let it snow!

No, that's not snow from a storm moving it on the right side of the photo. It's tassels from an ornamental grass among the lights at the Depot Park. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Katelyn Guagenti headed to Thailand and maybe Laos with "GIVE"

Ada High School graduate Katelyn Guagenti’s summer plans involve a trip to Thailand and maybe Laos.

Guagenti, a sophomore communication science and disorders (speech pathology/audiology) major at Ohio State University, plans to be in Thailand from July 5 to 18. If her plans work out, she’ll also go to Laos from July 18-31.

Her summer plans center around a program titled GIVE. That stands for Growth International Volunteer Excursions.

Fran Wince named Ada Police Department employee of the year; several other staff recognized

Several employees of the Ada Police Department were honored during the department's annual Christmas awards dinner held Dec. 9, according to  Michael Harnishfeger, police chief. 

The awards honored several employees who have performed above and beyond the call of duty.

• Sgt. Donnie Deckling was presented with a Departmental Certificate of Appreciation for his work with our newly formed K9 Unit, which was certified in October of this year.

Christy Beaschler career as school treasurer ending

By Monty Siekerman
After nearly 20 years, Christy Beaschler (left) will be leaving the Ada school system as district treasurer when Kim Light becomes treasurer.

The change will occur probably in late May after Kim completes course work for her treasurer's license.

The school budget amounts to $11 million annually. Christy noted that the district saved $1.3 million in 2012 when it refinanced the loan for the new building. Christy will become an assistant professor of accounting at ONU. Kim has been assistant senior manager at Ada Technologies for 18 years.

Guess I'll mow the lawn

Who needs to wait until spring to mow? Paul Lawrence was spotted by a photographer mowing on Wednesday morning, Dec. 9. Better to mow than shovel snow...and the recent string of warm weather days will help the heat bills, too. (Monty Siekerman photo)
