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He's Ada's new street superintendent

Meet the new street superintendent for the Village of Ada.

He's Rob Mix, 39, who did similar work for the Village of Forest. He and his wife Kristi are the parents of Trysten, 14, and Kami, 12.

Rob is the man in charge of street and sewer maintenance and repair, leaf collection, snow removal, fixing equipment, and much more. (Monty Siekerman)

Do you know where this is in Ada?

By Monty Siekerman
In the Ada Icon's continuing series of unusual sights in town, we offer this photo. Know what it is and where it is located?

It's a robot outside the front entrance to Taft Memorial where Technological Studies is taught. It is a sculpture, of sorts.

The robot, in place there for the past four years, is "frozen" so the parts no longer move...thus it has not walked away in that length of time.

Student receives research grant from Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology

Ohio Northern University student Eric Eisenmann, a fifth-year pharmacy and recent 2015 ONU graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology from Broadview Heights, Ohio, was selected to receive a 2015-16 fall graduate research grant from Psi Chi, the international honor society in psychology, for $1,500.

Society for Collegiate Journalists receives Outstanding New Chapter Award

The Ohio Northern University chapter of the Society for Collegiate Journalists (SJC) has received the Outstanding New Chapter Award from the National Office of SCJ. In order to be considered for this award, a chapter must be reactivated or chartered for two to six years and be recognized as a new and energetic member of the SCJ family.

“I am very moved that the Society chose us for this honor,” said Shane Tilton, chapter advisor and assistant professor of multimedia journalism.

Look what Ada HS grad Matt Meyers is working on - virtual reality

Virtual reality is a valuable tool for simulating environments as NASA astronauts prepare for space missions. They also train underwater to get a feel for what it’s like to be in space.
Two Embry-Riddle students are looking to merge those worlds.

One of the students is Matt Meyers, a 2011 Ada High School graduate.

Human Factors students Nathan Sonnenfeld and Meyers have used a 3-D printer in the Game-based Education & Advanced Research Simulations (GEARS) Lab to make a plastic headset that uses wireless technology to create virtual environments, similar to Oculus Rift goggles.

He wants good grades for Christmas

Santa heard the wishes of 150 kids...of all the Ada Public Library on Thursday evening. Here, John Mostowy of Mason, Ohio, wishes for good grades on his upcoming finals. He's a fourth 4th-year ONU pharmacy student. (Monty Siekerman photo)
