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Ada's latest news

Attention: Ada HS seniors, get your senior items on March 13

Lots of activities are taking place in the Ada schools this month. Here's a capsule of events from the school website.

March 15th End of Third 9 weeks
March 19th ALICE Informational meeting March 19 at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria
March 22nd Grade cards sent home at the end of the day
March 22nd Interclass at 7:00 in the auditorium
March 26th 2-Hour Early Dismissal due to Teacher-In-Service Meeting
March 27th thru April 2nd Spring Break

The Village Voice: Bookmark it - A new website for paying your Ada water bill online

If you have attempted to pay your water bill on the Village website within the past week, you may have encountered some difficulty. The village staff has been working diligently to improve the process for our customers, and that work has resulted in some changes we are excited about.

Costumers now need to visit to pay their water bills online. Once on that site, customers should see a tab at the far right top of the page titled “Pay Water Bill.” A single click on that title will provide customers with a form to complete for payment processing.

Number 1,242 from Dumbaugh

Ohio Northern University women's basketball player Morgan Dumbaugh (33) and Ada HS graduate swishes her last 3-pointer in the NCAA at Hope College. Her 1,242 points, ONU total points scored is a Polar Bear women's career record. Don Traxler photo.

Richland Manor chili cookoff benefits area food pantry

Richland Manor, Swaney Road Bluffton, hosted a chili cook off on Feb. 21. Over 70 people attended the event, which featured 14 varieties of chili.

The winners follow:
• First place and winner of $100: Russ Goedde for his Sante Fe Chili
• Second place and winner of $75: Roberta Beemer for her Sausage Chili
• Third place and winner of $50: Edwin and Gwynne Sortenson for their White Chicken Chili

Blanchard Valley Hospital accredited by the Ohio State Medical Association

Blanchard Valley Hospital (BVH) has been surveyed by the Ohio State Medical Association (OSMA) Focused Task Force on Accreditation and awarded accreditation for six years as a provider of continuing medical education for physicians.

“We are very proud to receive the six year accreditation, which is the highest accreditation level possible,” said Beverly Woodward, BVH continuing medical education coordinator. “This recognition speaks volumes to the quality of our medical education programs and the educational aspirations of the physicians in our community.”

Ada police log for Feb. 25 - March 3

Feb. 25

  • Handled Suspicious Person Complaint on Ream St

  • Traffic stop Warning for Stop Sign

  • Traffic stop Citation issued for Speed
Handled Parking Violation Complaint on University & Johnson
  • Traffic stop Warning for Equipment

  • Handled Possible Burglary in Progress complaint on N Main St

Feb. 26
