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Ada's latest news

ONU Child Development Center receives state quality award

The Ohio Northern University Child Development Center has received a Three-Star Step Up To Quality Award from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, Bureau of Child Care and Development, the state agency responsible for licensing and promoting high standards among Ohio’s early care and education programs.

ONU’s Child Development Center was recognized for its excellence and ongoing commitment to children.

Nine valedictorians, two salutatorians in the Ada HS class of 2013


The Ada High School class of 2013 graduated with nine valedictorians and two salutatorians.

Richland Manor celebrates the 1940s

In honor of the Memorial Day holiday, the residents of Richland Manor enjoyed a week’s worth of festivities and an evening full patriotism in late May. This “USO Dinner” was planned specially for the campus residents and featured a menu that contained buffet cuisine similar to what one could find in an Army canteen.

The chef-prepared menu included appetizers and assorted entrées served buffet-style.

The week leading up to the dinner featured special programming, activities and trivia that tied in to the USO theme, including: united we stand bingo, heroes trivia, and a patriotic baking class.

2nd annual Community Park Sing June 29

The second annual community park sing, sponsored by the Hardin County Gospel Association takes place at the Ada Park, starting at noon on Saturday, June 29.

Performers include:

• Rachael Taylor
• Jim Sheldon
• Cornerstone
• Jacob Reel
• The Sister's - Sandi and Kaylene,
• Donna Sue
• Chris Baldwin
• Jim Bloomfield
• One Voice
• Kent Young
• 4-4-1
and New Dawning.

Persons wanting more information may contact Dana at 419-233-4476 or Sandi at 419-302-3014.

A free-will offering will be takenn and food service will be available.

Get married and buy your furniture at Mertz's


"Get married and buy your furniture at Mertz's." That's the sentiment of this photo post card taken the the turn of an early Ada century.

Writing on the back of the photo follows: "Art Mertz and Sons, Ada, Ohio, Harold and James W."

(From the collection of Leland Crouse)

Weather summary: No fun on Memorial Day

A little rain, temps dip into the 60s and suddenly Memorial Day's outdoor picnic is ruined. Here's the past seven day weather summary from the Icon's weather observer.
                   High       Low      Prec.
May 21          86       70
May 22          80       63
May 23          70       46         0.05
May 24          63       42
May 25          67       38
May 26          70       42        trace
May 27          63       50        0.52
