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June 2023

A week of calls to the Ada Police Department

By Paula Scott

At twice-monthly meetings of the Ada Council, Ada Police Chief Alec Cooper provides councilors and the mayor with an update including the total number of calls received since the last meeting.

But what is a week of calls like for Ada's finest? The Hardin County Sheriff's dispatch log for June 1-7 shows the following calls including 12 medical emergencies, 9 traffic stops and a range of other vehicle-related issues. Stay tuned for the Icon's report on the June 6 council meeting including Chief Cooper's update.

June 1 - Neighbor Complaint

June 1 - Vehicle Breaking And Entering

June 1 - Property Damage Accident

June 1- New

June 1 - Property Damage Accident

June 1- 911 Open Line/Accidental Dial

June 1 - Follow-Up

June 1 - Medical Emergency

June 1- 911 Open Line/Accidental Dial



June 2023 Icon Coloring Page and archive

For the June 2023 Icon coloring page, we offer you a mandala design by our editorial assistant Sabina Clingerman.

An archive of coloring page designs is HERE.


I'd like to check you for ticks

Been wondering or worrying about ticks? Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources has this ARTICLE about ticks in Ohio and how to dress to avoid tick bites. Did you know ticks can't fly or jump? They rest on the tips of grasses and shrubs, waiting for you to brush by.

By Karen Kier
Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

Brad Paisley is an American singer-songwriter who is well known in country music circles. He has sold 11 million albums, won 3 Grammy awards, and has won 14 Academy of Country Music Awards. In 2001, he was inducted into the Grand Ole Opry where he has performed over 40 times.  

Playground Church dates announced by Ada Presbyterian Church

Ada Presbyterian Church has announced a family outreach program, Playground Church with four dates in June and July. The events are rain or shine at Shelter House #1 in the Ada Park:

F&M picnic kitchen help wanted

From the Farmers & Merchants Picnic Facebook page:

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! The Farmers and Merchants are asking our fellow Ada residents to please consider donating 2 hours of your time to help with the kitchen at the picnic!!

It's people like you that has kept this going for 110 years and we need your help to keep it going! If interested, please contact Yvonne Bonham at 419-204-4235. Thank you, everyone.

110th Annual Farmers & Merchants Picnic
Saturday, August 12
9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Ada War Memorial Park

Northwest Ohio residents encouraged to take Broadband Survey

Community members across Northwest Ohio have the opportunity to participate in a survey to assess broadband and technology needs. The survey, which can be accessed HERE, has a deadline of June 30.

Summary of May 25 School Board meeting

By Paula Scott

On May 25, the last day of the 2022-2023 School year, a slightly abbreviated Ada School Board—minus member Amy Mullins—held a regular meeting at the Board Chambers. (Meeting packet.)

After a brief executive session to consider employment, the board heard from two Ada High School Students who presented ideas for the 2023-2024 school year.

Hydrant flushing begins June 5

Announcement from the Village of Ada:

As part of our annual water maintenance program, Public Works employees will be flushing fire hydrants starting June 5, 2023 on the North Side of Ada between the hours of 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Because water mains are typically looped together, you may notice that your service pressure is affected even if hydrants are being flushed several blocks away.

During the flushing process, there may be a slight discoloration of the water caused by sediment or rust being flushed from the water mains. If you do experience discoloration in your water service, please don't be alarmed. Your water will clear up once it is run for a short time. Should you experience rusty colored water, we suggest you run the cold water from the faucet nearest to the water meter (laundry tub, outside faucet) to flush the service, We suggest that on days we flush, you may not want to do laundry during the hours listed above. Possible discoloration in the water can stain light colored clothing.

Please note that your water is safe for all other uses and that slightly higher amounts of chlorine are added to the system during maintenance.


Resurfacing project to close U.S. 30 interchange ramps

Short pavement repair closures begin Wednesday

The following construction project is anticipated to affect highways in Hancock County beginning tomorrow, June 7. All outlined work is weather permitting.

The U.S. 30/U.S. 68 interchange and U.S. 30/State Route 235 interchange will have temporary, short-term ramp closures (1-2 hours) beginning Wednesday, June 7, for approximately three days for pavement repairs in preparation for resurfacing. 

About the "Help Vote Ohio Dry" banner

The Icon recently posted a photo asking, "What's that banner over Main St.?" (view at Initially, we were more interested in figuring what it said, rather than why the banner was there.

Here's the backstory according to : There was a 1919 Ohio State Prohibition of Alcohol Referendum that was defeated 500,812 votes to 474,078 votes.
