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August 2020

Part 6 – Take an Ada art walk - Rattlesnake


Summer is a great time to explore the art spread across the Ada community – especially for viewers unable to visit art galleries elsewhere in Ohio.

As a weekly series, The Icon will feature the art located on The Remington Walk on the Ohio Northern University campus. For some viewers, this series is familiar. For others, it may be a first-time experience. 

EMS and fire department respond to Aug. 3 accident at CR 15 and SR 81

Ada-Liberty Township EMS and fire responded to an accident involving injuries on Monday. The accident was at the intersection of County Road 15 and State Route 81, and was reported to Ada police at 6:15 a.m.

The police report for Aug. 2, included investigation of complaint from a resident on South Gilbert Street who heard three gunshots. The report was filed shortly after midnight. 

Attached to this story are recent Hardin County sheriff logs.

Willeke Phase II assessments total $193,500

$60 per project foot for the 30 property owners in the project

The assessment process for the now-completed Willeke Avenue Phase II project is Ada council’s Tuesday’s agenda.

That project involved 30 property owners along Willeke, South Johnson Street and South Simon Street. It included installation of new water and sanitary sewer lines, road improvement, curbs, gutters and sidewalks.

Phase II’s total cost was $1,025,311. The assessment on the project is $60 per project foot. The assessment total is $193,500, according to Jamie Hall, village administrator.

Fire hydrant flushing month is here

“During this process there may be a slight discoloration of the water caused by sediment or rust being flushed from the water mains,” said Jamie Hall, village administrator

August is fire hydrant flushing month in Ada.

Public works employees will handle the annual procedure and here’s what village water customers need to know:

Work will begin in the northeast and southeast sections of the village. The work will be completed in a pattern moving from the center toward the outside of the village, and then in a clockwise rotation Mondays through Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. until all hydrants are flushed.

“During this process there may be a slight discoloration of the water caused by sediment or rust being flushed from the water mains,” said Jamie Hall, village administrator. “Households experiencing this should not be alarmed.”

Ada students: time to update FinalForms for 2020-21

Now available on the school website

Ada schools announces that the program "FinalForms" has taken the place of the traditional paper forms that the school used in past years. This announcement is on today's Ada school website.

The window for the new school year is open now. The school asks persons to take time to update, verify and sign your forms. All forms should be signed prior to the start of the school year. The first day of school is Monday, Aug. 24. 

The announcement follows:

Megan Light, August Mid-Ohio Energy Cooperative student of the month

Ada High School senior, Megan Light, is the August Mid-Ohio Energy Cooperative AHS student of the month.

Megan is involved in several school activities. These include volleyball, basketball, club volleyball, Aspirations, Student Council, FCA, Language Club, FFA, Quiz bowl and 'Dogs volunteeer.

Outside the classroom she is active in 4-H and has served as a 4-H camp counselor. She is a member of the Hardin County junior fair board and is a member of First United Methodist Church, Ada.

She is the daughter of Mark and Kim Light of Ada.

An Ada scene familiar to your great-grandparents

If you look closely you might be able to idenfiy the exact location of this photo. It's looking south on Ada's Main Street in a colorized post card from the beginning of an earlier century.

A couple thing to consider:
• Look at all those trees – they are somewhat mature, meaning that there was probably a planned planting 25 years earlier.

• We aren't able to determine if the street is paved or dirt. If paved, it is red bricks and would help identify a year.

Lima Memorial Health System recognizes ONU professor

For Dr. Dennis De Luca' role in bringing COVID-19 testing to the greater Lima region

Ohio Northern University faculty member Dr. Dennis De Luca was recognized Friday by Lima Memorial Health System for his role in bringing COVID-19 testing to the greater Lima region.

The event also recognized Ohio Northern University. Click here for addtional background on the testing.

Lima Memorial Health System and Ohio Northern University partnered to bring PCR molecular testing for COVID-19 to the region earlier this year.

Dr. De Luca, associate professor of biological sciences and a molecular specialist, helped lead the initiative on behalf of ONU. 

Immunization clinic paperwork due Monday

Students in grades Kindergarten, 7th, and 12th have required immunizations - clinic held Aug. 11


ONU Healthwise has partnered with the Hardin County Health Department to bring a mobile clinic to Ada school for a vaccine clinic in August.

The ONU mobile clinic will administer the appropriate vaccines to students with private or Ohio government insurance coverage for vaccines. 

The scheduled clinic date is Tuesday, Aug. 11, from 2-4 p.m. Students in grades Kindergarten, 7th, and 12th have required immunizations.

Weekend doctor: Preparing for elective surgery

Process is important to make sure you are properly prepared and informed for the surgery

Information provided by Peggy Robinette, RN; Lisa Butler, RN; and Maura Mathias, RN, Pre-surgical screening, Blanchard Valley Hospital
When an elective surgery is scheduled, you will be contacted to set up a pre-surgery health interview.

This process is important to make sure you are properly prepared and informed for the upcoming surgery. This interview can be done in person or by phone. This type of screening was implemented many years ago to improve patient care before and after surgical procedures.
