Posted by Monty Siekerman on Friday, March 31, 2017
An internationally recognized expert on human rights, Juan E. Mendez, spoke at ONU on Friday. Here, he meets with Prof. Nusta Carranza Ko of the history, politics and justice department prior to his presentation. Mendez discussed torture in the world today.
Five Ada High School groups compete in Saturday and Sunday's Ohio Indoor Performance Association color guard state championships held at Wapakoneta High School.
In recent years Ada groups have performed very well, earning several state titles. To review Ada’s scores in the 2016-17 competitions click here.
Pastor Mary Jo Yeakel saw Ada church through a major tragedy
Posted by Fred Steiner on Friday, March 31, 2017
By Monty Siekerman
Pastor Mary Jo Yeakel, who saw a church through a major tragedy, announced to the Ada First United Methodist Church congregation on Sunday that she will be leaving to lead the Asbury United Methodist Church near Columbus.
Her last service here will be Sunday, June 18.
Rev. Gregory V. Palmer, Bishop of the West Ohio Conference, will appoint a new local pastor in time for the June 25 service.
Pastor Yeakel's new church, located just outside the beltway on the southeast side of Columbus, is about the same size as the Ada church. She is leaving because she felt a definite call from God to serve the Columbus area church.
Posted by Monty Siekerman on Friday, March 31, 2017
By Monty Siekerman
On a day when March showers, hopefully, bring May flowers, several youngsters made a "greenhouse," planted bean seeds in the "structure," and did a lot of coloring.
The spring activity at the Ada Public Library on Thursday involved coloring the edges of a "greenhouse," adding some seeds inside a plastic bag, and placing cotton balls inside the bag for moisture to help the seeds sprout. Soon, the children will have their own bean starts to plant at home.
Here, Sophie (left) and Phoebe McKinley enjoy the activity.
Posted by Fred Steiner on Thursday, March 30, 2017
An ONU musical group will perform to area seniors at noon, Tuesday, April 4.
PrimeTimers is a non-denominational, community fellowship gathering for adults 55 and over hosted at St. John Mennonite Church in Pandora. This event will feature the Ohio Northern University Flute Chorus/Quintet.
The church is located at 15988 Road 4, Pandora.
The meal will include meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, scalloped corn, cole slaw, dinner rolls, cake and coffee.
Posted by Fred Steiner on Thursday, March 30, 2017
By Sidney Gossard, Chapter Reporter
The annual Ada FFA banquet was held March 29, in the cafeteria at Ada High School.
During the meal, Emma Jameson presented our annual slide show. It gave parents, as well as community members, a chance to see what the FFA does throughout the year.
The Honorary Ada Chapter degrees were awarded to Christina Henderson, Ty and Heather Etgen for their outstanding service to the group.
Members of the Parliamentary Procedure teams, Public Speaking, and Soil Judging contestants were recognized.
It takes 6 pages to tell the story - and it's all in the Icon's Hometown Happenings
Posted by Fred Steiner on Thursday, March 30, 2017
Nothing happening in Ada this spring?
Wrong! Try this: pancake day, high school musical, Arbor Day celebration, school honors assemblies, high school and ONU graduations, lots of music recitals, Thursday dinner club, and even a blind date with a book.
It takes six pages of single-spaced type to tell the Ada April and May story of coming events.
It's all in the current issue of "Hometown Happenings," created for the Ada icon viewers by Darlene Bowers.
Posted by Fred Steiner on Thursday, March 30, 2017
A second-straight near-record construction season is underway across Ohio. This year, the Ohio Department of Transportation will invest $2.3 billion into the state’s roads and bridges, just shy of the record-$2.4 billion investments made in 2014 and 2015.
This construction season will include 1,098 projects, 26 valued at more than $10 million. Workers will pave 6,945 miles of roadway – enough for a two-lane road from Seattle to Key West, and repair or replace 1,281 bridges.
Posted by Monty Siekerman on Thursday, March 30, 2017
The Blanchard Pleasant Buckeye 4-H Club met Monday evening at the HN school with 43 members, 10 advisors, and 5 guests.
Recreation for the evening was 4-H bingo led by Denna Clem.
The program for the evening was a parliamentary procedure demonstration. Nikki Wykes asked all members to give attention throughout the year to the Clover Award activities to accumulate as many points as possible.
There will be club awards at the close of the year. Enrollment sheets were turned in.