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July 2016

Cropland values, cash rental rates projected to decrease

Each year The Ohio State University Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics completes a survey to estimate current and future trends of cropland values and cash rents.  

The 2015-16 survey of Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents has been completed and is now available to the public.  Based upon the survey, cropland values and cash rents are projected to decrease in 2016.  Bare cropland values are expected to decrease from 4.8% to 11.1% in western Ohio depending on the region and land class.  They also project cash rents to drop 5.6% to 7.6%.

Be a prince or princess on July 26

The Inn at ONU hosts its second  prince and princess tea of the summer on  Sunday, July 26.

The first tea of the summer was June 24. Here's a photo of the event. The tea includes food, tea and tunes. Reservations are required. For details, contact The Inn at 419-772-2500 or email [email protected].

The catfish are jumping at Liberty Conservation Club July 9

The Liberty Conservation Club will sponsor a catfish tournament from 6 p.m. until midnight on Saturday, July 9.

The tournament is open to members and non-members. The club is located at 1552 State Route 235, north of Ada. Call 419-234-5795 for more details.

Rawson town festival set for July 9

The Rawson town festival is Saturday, July 9. Here is the schedule of activities:
4 p.m. - Craft show and FFA hog roast
6:30 p.m. - Parade
Following parade
   2nd Trix (tennis courts)
   Al Basinger (depot)
   Life Flight
   Pony rides
   Black Swamp Raptors (rehabitation center)
   Games and food
9 p.m. - Five gun raffle and 50/50 drawing

Car show Saturday at CL Church of the Brethren

The 10th annual County Line Church of the Brethren car show is from noon to 3 p.m., Saturday, July 9, at the church, 4227 N. Hardin Road, Harrod.

In addition to the car show there is a chicken barbecue from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Brabecue tickets are $8 each and must be ordered in advance by calling 419-649-5364.

Car show details:
• Registration is from 11 a.m. to noon.
• $10 per entry
• Top 10 Awards
• Awards at 3 p.m.
• Door prizes for car owners
• Children’s activities
• Chicken barbecue

Bingo continues Thursdays in July

Ada Bingo plays every Thursday at the Alumni N-men’s Building in downtown Ada. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.; Bingo begins at 6:55 p.m.

AdaBingo uses new, radio-controlled electronic machines, as well as, traditional paper packages. Proceeds from Ada Bingo benefits the Ada Lion's Club, Ada Music Boosters and the Ada-Liberty Volunteer Fire Department

And, every third Thursday of each month is a special Bonus Night at Ada Bingo. These  popular Bingo Bonus Nights are held on the third Thursday of each month.

Aug. 5 deadline to sign up for Ada Community Engagement Day

Ohio Northern University is registering organizations, businesses, and residents for its fifth annual Ada Community Engagement (ACE) Day to be held on Saturday, Aug. 20, from 10 a.m. to noon., according to Jennifer Lambdin, director of student imvolvement at ONU.

A partnership with the village of Ada, the ACE Day program provides opportunities for ONU’s first-year students to not only engage with the community but also contribute to the village’s beautification.

ACE Day, is a university tradition held on the Saturday of Welcome Weekend.  It provides an opportunity for incoming freshmen to serve the Ada community, their new home for the next four, five or six years.

VFW expands July 16 car show, now it its second year

The Ada VFW Post 9381 will expand its car show this year after a successful first year. This year’s show is Saturday afternoon, July 16, at the VFW Post, 2147 State Route 235, north of Ada.

Last year's event drew 40 cars and 15 motorcycles.

New this year will be a truck category.

Registration of $10 is from 2 to 4 p.m. Judging is from 4 to 6 p.m. and awards are presented at 6:30 p.m.

Trophies will be awarded for car, bike and truck categories, best of show, people's choice award, participant's award, mayor's choice award.

Ken Collins goes out on a limb with Ada's squirrel's and birds

Ken Collins, Icon photographer recently went out on a limb.

There he discovered several Ada squirrels and birds. Here's his photo album.


Piano man

Bobby Hesling enjoys the evening playing the piano keyboard among the flowers in Ada Depot Park. (Jerry Maag photo)
