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May 2014

Ada Barnyard Farmers will have petting zoo at library

By: Caralee Stover

The Ada Barnyard Farmers 4-H Club met on Sunday, May 18 at 3 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Alexis Amburgey. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Kaitlin Long, and the 4-H Pledge was led by Mackenzie Long. Secretary Shelby Hazelton called roll, and * members were present. There was an introduction of visitors.

Secretary Shelby Hazelton read the minutes of the previous meeting, and they were approved as read. Treasurer Brice Ferguson read the treasurer’s report. The advisors gave a report.

Banking in Ada 90 years ago


There's lots going on in this photo of First National Bank, Ada. The photo was taken in 1923 or 1924. Note the "Join the Harding Memorial Association - here now" homemade sign. President Warren G. Harding, the 29th U.S. president, and Marion native, died Aug. 2, 1923.

Notice the ornate teller's window and the hot water heating system. Was Tim Tighe a customer who just happened to be in the bank when the photo was taken? Or, was he a shareholder? And how about the man on the very far left, partically cut off in the photo?

Kiwanis Club awards four scholarships to seniors

The Ada Kiwanis Club awarded four scholarships to the following Ada High School seniors at the Senior Awards Banquet held May 14: Hattie Dearth, Shelby Conner, Hannah Bass and Matthew Wilcox.

John Berg, President-Elect of the club presented the awards. The Ada Kiwanis Club has presented scholarships to graduating seniors for the last several years.

Berg noted that the main thrust of Kiwanis International is to help the children of the world and seems fitting that the Ada Kiwanis Club would choose to make the annual presentations.

The Ada Kiwanis Club was founded in 1924 and is in 90th year of service to the Ada community.

Everyone has spring fever at Ada High School - just listen


It's an Ada High School musical spring tradition. 

It's the Spring Fever Follies. The Icon attended this year's production, which took place in the Ada school auditorium on Friday evening. Bailey Bowers captured the evening with several photos.

Icon viewers can look at those photos in the attachment at the bottom of this story.


Follow the Bulldog track teams at the NWC meet on The Icon

The Northwest Conference track meet takes place Thursday and Saturday, May 15 and 17 at Spencerville High School.

On Thursday, the field events will begin at 4:45 p.m. with running events start at 5 p.m.  Saturday field events start at 10:30 a.m. and running finals at 12:30 p.m.

Results will be posted on Baum's page as soon as possible following the meet events on Thursday and Saturday.

To follow results of the meet, Icon viewers may click here. This link also provides results from previous NWC track meets back to 2007.

Many students recognized at Ada High School senior class honor award ceremony

Ada High School will honor its graduates of the Class of 2014 on Sunday, May 25, at 2 p.m. in the high school gymnasium. 

At the Senior Honor Awards ceremony on Wednesday, May 14, it was announced that Annabel Pinkney and Matthew Wilcox have earned the honor of Co-Valedictorians, while Sa’ed Al-Olimat was named Salutatorian.

Charla Mankey taught art at USV from 1971 to 2010

Charla Roxanne (Cronk) Mankey, 69, died on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 at 9:10 a.m. at St. Rita's Medical Center, Lima.

She was born on September 11, 1944 in Danville, Ill., to parents Dr. John and Rosemary (Gunn) Cronk and they preceded her in death. Charla graduated from Superior Central High School in 1962 and graduated in 1966 with a Bachelors Degree from the University of Wisconsin-Superior. In 1972 she married Steven Mankey and he survives in Ada.

Roundhead school alumni event June 8

The 39th Roundhead school alumni gathering is planned for June. It will take place from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Sunday, June 8, in the former VFW Hall in Roundhead.

Persons planning to attend are asked to bring a covered dish and an item for a door prize. Contact Christine Adkins at 937-464-5714 for more information.

John Berg is next Ada Kiwanis Club president

President Heather Cox called the May 13 weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at 12:00 noon at McIntosh Center, Ohio Northern University, Ada.

Rayl, Garmon, Evans received acting awards

Several Ada High School cast members from "Murder in the House of Horrors" received top honors from the Hardin County Players Take a Bow Awards. Students recognized were Eli Rayl, Eli Garmon, and Reece Evans.

Eli Garmon, a freshman, received TAB’s Best Male Actor award for his roles as Dirk and Kirk Carlton while Eli Rayl, a senior, won the Best Supporting Male Actor award for his work as Gahji Amun. 

Sixth grader Reece Evans received the Best Junior Performer award.

The annual TAB awards are “held to honor the outstanding theatrical achievements of students in each of the area Hardin County Schools.”
