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Now let me think a minute - I know where "D" is

Welcome to Ada’s A-B-C Summer Contest.

Each week in June and ending in the first week of July, The Icon will post two photos revealing one letter (or number) taken from Main Street Ada buildings and structures. All photos were taken in May by the Icon’s official contest photographer, Bailey Bowers. The photos cover Main from College Avenue on the south to Highland Avenue on the north.

We invite Icon viewers to keep track of the letters by identifying each letter’s location. An entry form is attached to this story for viewers to keep up to date in the contest.

A new letter will be posted on the following Mondays and Fridays:
June 2, June 6
June 9, June 13
June 16, June 20
June 23, June 27
June 30, July 4

Each letter is worth one point. And, on July 4, when the final photo is posted, the Icon will also provide one “Bonus” photo worth 5 points.

When all photos are posted, contestants may either mail their answers to the Icon or drop them off in an entry box in a Main Street, Ada, business. The business location will be announced soon.

Contestants may enter as many times as they wish, however, each entry must be under a different name.

Entries will be accepted from July 4 until the next Friday, July 11. Winners will be announced shortly after July 11. In the event of a tie, winners will be chosen from drawing.

Contest prizes will be announced soon.
