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Ada's latest news

Guadete Brass Quintet to perform at ONU Oct. 24

The Ohio Northern University Department of Music presents the Gaudete Brass Quintet in the Snyder Recital Hall in the Presser Building at 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 24. 
The Chicago-based Gaudete Brass Quintet performs works by contemporary composers Eric Ewazen, Joan Tower, John David Sampson and John Cheetham as well as works from the Renaissance by De Wert and Praetorius.

ONU to present discussion on "Living both faith and science"

Ohio Northern University Department of Philosophy and Religion and the Office of the Chaplain will present a discussion on “Living Both Faith and Science” in the English Chapel at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 22. The event is free and open to the public.

This event will be a conversation about the relationship between science and religion. In contemporary society, many think that science and religion are “at war” with each other. However, scholars have challenged this view as overly simplistic. This “conflict view” neglects the ways that religion and science historically have been sometimes complementary and, at other times, in competition.

Ohio Northern University pharmacy professor, students attend Ohio Pharmacists Association conference

Lindsey Peters, Ohio Northern University visiting professor of pharmacy practice, was selected as one of 14 pharmacists to attend the Ohio Pharmacists Association’s 2014 Young Pharmacist Leadership Conference in Columbus, Ohio, on Oct. 11.

Adam Smith, a fifth-year pharmacy major from Dublin, Ohio, and Taylor Reed, a fifth-year pharmacy major from Springdale, Ark., were the student representatives for Ohio Northern University.

Who was that masked man? Here's Ada's Halloween schedule

Halloween is on lots of Ada calendars this month. There are several opportunities for young and old interested in dressing up for this year’s events. Here’s the local schedule:

Tuesday, Oct. 21 – Ohio Northern University’s annual trick or treat night. From 5 to 7 p.m. events take place in McIntosh Activities Room. Registration begins at 4:30 p.m.

Children of all ages are encouraged to dress up and join the fun with ONU students. Children must be accompanied by an adult to attend.

A new paint job on order

One of Ada's community treasures, the Pennsylvania Railroad caboose in the depot park, may get a well-needed restoration job soon. The Ada Kiwanis Club is in the discussion stages of planning such a restoration. Check the Iconoclast view to see what the caboose could look like after a fresh coat of paint. Click here.

Restoring an Ada community treasure

Thank you Ada Kiwanis Club for choosing to lead an ambitious undertaking to refurbish the Pennsylvania Railroad caboose in the depot park.

The plans from the club are beginning to circulate around town and the Icon thinks its a great idea.

Just to show what the caboose once looked it, (that's not Ada's caboose in the newly painted photo) we've posted the photo above. The color is Pennsylvania Railroad maroon, for purist color-minded people.

Below this story is the same photo plus a look at the current state of Ada's caboose number 477779.
