Jacob Brownstone prepares a sign to be placed on a flooded road in Ada following several days of downpours.
Estimates are 8 to 10 inches of rain fell in several deluges, some during the day, some at night.
When big storms come, Ada usually fares well compared to many communities since the village is the headwaters for rivers that flow South to the Gulf of Mexico or North to the Great Lakes.
We are riverless. At flood times, that is a good thing. However, there is Grass Run, a creek that, as of Tuesday, was over its banks.
Were any of the recent rains "pickle showers?" Yes, some were. If you have never heard the term, Google it. The sun will return one day - grass will need to be cut, weeds pulled, and vegetation will grow like in the tropics.
(Monty Siekerman)