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Ada's latest news

First Presbyterian open house during Harvest and Herb Fest

Saturday, Sept. 19. The Ada First Presbyterian Church, South Main and Lincoln Ave., will have an open house from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free hotdogs and drinks will be available.

Benefit dinner for Amelia on Sept. 29

There will be a benefit dinner for Amelia during the Crock Pot Tuesday meal at ReStore Community Center, 210 N Main, from 4 to 6 pm on Sept. 29. The spaghetti dinner is free but donations will be accepted.

Partners for the benefit are Padrone's Pizza, Zeta Tau Alpha and Delta Zeta sororities and ReStore.

Gather poets, artists, toss in music and...

By Monty Siekerman
This is a story about a poet and an artist with a little bit of music thrown in...the fine arts.

The ONU art and English departments hosted two men on Wednesday evening at the Wilson Art Center to discuss a book they collabrated on with the long title "Like a Bird Entering a Window and Leaving through Another Window."

So, how do two people successfully work together in publishing a book of writings and illustration?

Philip Terman, the poet, and James Stewart, the artist, explained that they have similar sensibilities.

Ohio Northern University professor publishes book of poetry

Jennifer Moore, Ohio Northern University assistant professor of English, has had her collection of poems, “Veronica Maneuvers,” published by the University of Akron Press.

One critic of Moore’s new release said, “Each poem is a flammable mouth that refuses to be muzzled. Dazzling and dislocating the reader with ventriloquism, vaudevillian gowns, and sword swallowing, the book’s arresting tone is established by its torero title and first line – ‘In the Year of Our Lord the Electric Chair.’”

Another critic said, “This poet incises language with passion, not dispassion, until breath and pulse coalesce.”

Scott and Arlene: Retiring as Harvest and Herb Fest directors

By Monty Siekerman

Scott and Arlene Allison have headed up the successful Harvest & Herb Fest for five years, but this year is their last.

With three children involved in many sports and school activities, the Allisons thought it was time to turn over the reins to someone else.

Persons interested in heading up the Fest may contact Deb Curlis, president of the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce, at 419-634-9459.

The Allison's successful run continues this year with over 150 food and craft booths and entertainment featuring some gifted local musicians.

Everything you need to know about the H&H Fest - especially the vendor booth list

The 30th annual Ada Harvest and Herb Festival offers several familiar vendor booths plus some new ones.

The Fest sprawls on Main Street  all the way from First United Methodist Church to Lehr Avenue.


Here’s the schedule of events:
• 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Booths open on Main Street
• 10 a.m. – Parade on Main Street
