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Ada's latest news

Help is on the way

Village officials and civic leaders will get an update on Ada's caboose refurbing project. They will hear the recommendations of a class of engineering students enrolled in EPIC, which stands for Engineering Projects in Community Service. The team will present the results of its work at 3 p.m. on Monday, April  11, in room 207 of Biggs Engineering Building. More details are in the story below.

Results of Ada caboose refurbishing study revealed on April 11

By Monty Siekerman

For several years, the caboose in Railroad Depot Park has needed painting and refurbishing. Now, after extensive study, the upgrade may be at hand.

Mayor David Retterer has called a meeting of village officials and civic leaders to hear the recommendations of a class of engineering students enrolled in EPIC, which stands for Engineering Projects in Community Service.

The team will present the results of its work at 3 p.m. on Monday, April  11, in room 207 of Biggs Engineering Building. The report will include information, such as:

Ada HS Spanish 4 class visits Immersion Day at Bluffton

¿Cómo está usted?"

The Ada High School Spanish 4 class will attend an Immersion Day hosted by the Spanish department of Bluffton University on Friday, April 15.

Students attending will be Katey Stuart, Rylan Hissong, Hayden Pitts, Casey Swick, Olivia Gonder, Tatum Killgallon.

Students will spend the day immersed in the Spanish language and culture and by attending a variety of sessions, including games, pop culture, literature and film, study abroad experiences, and a scavenger hunt. 

ONU student receives Excellence in Public Health Pharmacy Practice Award

Ohio Northern University student William “Blake” Hays, a sixth-year pharmacy major from Cincinnati, Ohio, has been awarded the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) Excellence in Public Health Pharmacy Practice Award for his dedication to the public. He will formally receive the award at the University’s Honors Day on April 23, 2016.

This marks the second consecutive year that an Ohio Northern pharmacy student has received this award, which recognizes pharmacy students who have demonstrated a commitment to public health and public health practice and have who gone outside the classroom to develop and bring care to patients in their community.

Ada elementary students inspired by sister-author team

By Monty Siekerman

Author/illustrators Janet Stevens (left) and her sister, Susan Stevens Crummel spoke to elementary children at Ada Schools on Tuesday morning.

Janet said it was rewarding to her and her sister to reach out to kids through their books, encourage them to learn to read, and, maybe, inspire some children to be writers and illustrators.

The school sponsored a book fair of the sisters' many books during the past week.

The writers were at Bath school the day before and autographed 600 books that were purchased there.

Ada HS FFA award winners recognized

By Chapter Reporter Emma Jameson

The annual Ada FFA banquet was held March 30 in the cafeteria at Ada High School. 

During our meal, Kaitlyn Long presented our annual slide show. The slide show was the highlight of the evening. It gave parents, as well as community members, a chance  to see what the FFA really does throughout the year.

 Members of the Parliamentary Procedure teams, Public Speaking, Job Interview and Soil Judging contestants were recognized.

Leadership and scholarship pins were also handed out to those who qualified. In the area of proficiency awards, the following members received recognition: 
