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Regional news

Ada Public Library recipient of national award

The Ada Public Library was recently selected as the 2013 recipient of the Baker & Taylor Entertainment Audio Music/Video Product Award, according to Amanda Bennett, Library Director.  

Ada beat out 19 other public libraries all across the United States for the once yearly grant.

The Ada Public Library submitted their proposal in late 2012 outlining the library's desire to use the award toward adding music and DVDs specifically geared towards teen patrons.

According to Bennett, the hope is to connect with the Ada High School in the months to come to start gathering suggestions from local teens as to what they want to see at the library.

Findlay Hancock Chamber accepting agri-business scholarship applications

The Agri-Business Committee of the Findlay•Hancock County Chamber of Commerce is currently accepting applications to award one or more scholarships to area students pursuing college studies in agriculture, home economics, natural resources, or other related field. 

Applicants can either be high school seniors pursuing further studies or current college students enrolled in an agriculturally related field.

Here's what's for lunch in February at Ada schools

What's for lunch in February at the Ada school cafeteria? Open the attachment at the bottom of this story for the daily answers.

Fleming nursing scholarship applications available

Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio is accepting applications for the Barbara Fleming Memorial Nursing Scholarship. The scholarship is meant to promote the career of nursing.

Therefore the scholarship money may be used toward a degree as a Licensed Practical Nurse, a degree as a Registered Nurse, or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.  The scholarship is to be used to pay school-related expenses toward any of these degrees.

The scholarship offers a minimum award of $500, and will be paid directly to the vocational school or college where the student is enrolled.

Blanchard Valley Hospital Auxiliary accepts prom dress donations

The Blanchard Valley Hospital Auxiliary’s Nearly New Shop is accepting donations for their annual prom dress distribution. Items accepted include gently used dresses, shoes and accessories.

The items can be dropped off at the Nearly New Shop, 306 Lima Avenue through March 12.

After March 13, the dresses, shoes and accessories will be available free of charge to any area teen needing items for prom. One dress per girl will be provided. Dresses will be available through prom season.

Come have a blind date with a book at Ada Public Library

The Ada Public Library knows that sometimes patrons just need to be released from the tyranny of choice.  In other words, with so many great books to read, how do you choose?

Come in and have a 'Blind Date with a Book.' Pick out a book based on only a few hints written on the outside of it's paper-wrapped exterior.  Some will say 'thriller' or 'romance' or 'amazing historical novel', etc.   No peeking!  

You might just find an unforgettable read that you would have passed over otherwise.

