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April's school food pickup schedule

Remember - no meal delivery April 13

With Ada school closure extended through May 1, Meri Skilliter, Ada school superintendent provided this update on school food distribution for the month.

Here is a schedule of the distribution/pick up days for April and how many meals will be distributed each day. 

Week of April 6-10
• Monday, April 6 – 2 meal packs (covering 4/6 and 4/7)
• Wednesday, April 8 – 3 meal packs (covering 4/8-4/10)

Kenton Hardin Health Department reports first confirmed case

COVID-19 now in Hardin County

The Kenton Hardin Health Department has been notified of a confirmed case for COVID-19 in a Hardin County resident.

This is the first confirmed case of COVID-19 for Hardin County. We have contacted the patient and the individuals potentially exposed and they have been instructed to self-quarantine and monitor for symptoms. 

The health department will be in daily contact with these individuals for monitoring of temperatures and symptoms. No personal information about the case will be released to protect the privacy of the individual.

Hardin ag issues virtual coffee Friday AM

Mark Badertscher reminds Icon viewers to keep up to date  with Hardin County OSU Extension Facebook page and clicking on “Like”. 

"As you can imagine, there aren’t any county ag events scheduled because of the public health concern," he said.

"However, I am hosting a Hardin County Ag Issues Virtual Coffee Hour  Friday, April 3 at 8 a.m. 

"If you would like to join in this Zoom Meeting, you can click on at that time. 

You can also join on the phone by calling 646-876-9923 and using the meeting ID: 212 259 941 when it asks you for it. 

Ada Schools: "No plans to cancel graduation; may have to move the date"

Heres updates on graduation requirements, spring tests, cancellations

Here is the March 31 update from Ada schools, from the school website. Information about spring athletics is in the story below, or click here.

Spring Testing
 There will be no state spring testing. This, then, negates the third grade guarantee. If you are the parent of a third grade student and have questions, please reach out to Mr. Thaxton.

Rising country singer has recorded a song about Ada

All due to a fluke vehicle breakdown north of town on SR 235

Thanks to a fluke vehicle breakdown north of Ada on State Route 235 last summer, a rising star on the national country music scene will soon release an album featuring one song about Ada.

That rising star is Sal Walker and his band April Shortbread.

Late Sunday evening last July 21, Jamie Hall stopped to help a group traveling in a Tuscany Thor Motor Coach stalled near the Hardin-Hancock county line.

Assessing the situation, Hall drove to the Beaverdam travel center. There he explained the breakdown problem to a mechanic who returned with Hall and repaired the stranded vehicle.

Help Ada - wear a mask; it's our latest fashion statement

Masks help stop the infected from infecting others

By JoAnna “Anna” Kauffman, M.D.
and Tobias S. Buckell

FROM BLUFFTON ICON - There are two reasons to wear a mask:

• to protect *yourself* against what's out there, so you can personally try to avoid infection, and

•  to protect *others* from what *you* may have so that you don't infect the community.

The second reason is what some doctors and epidemiologists are emphasizing as an important tool for fighting COVID-19. They are not recommending you keep N95 masks.
