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Regional news

May 19 mobile household hazardous waste event cancelled

The Mobile Household Hazardous Waste unit scheduled for Tuesday, May 19, at the Hardin County Sheriff's Office has been cancelled due to the COVID 19 pandemic.  

Watch theIcon or visit the North Central Ohio Solid Waste District website at for up to date information.

Ada slowly opens

Here's the reopening schedule for restaurants, bars and personal care services

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Lt. Governor Jon Husted, and Dr. Amy Acton, MD, MPH,  announced the next phase of the Responsible RestartOhio plan as it relates to restaurants, bars, and personal care services.

As part of the announcement, Governor DeWine reminded Ohioans that COVID-19 is still incredibly dangerous and stressed the importance of continuing to exercise safe health habits as different sectors of the economy begin to reopen.

Responsible RestartOhio

Here are the next Responsible RestartOhio dates.

27th Hardin County case; 2 new recoveries

The Kenton Hardin Health Department is reporting its 27th confirmed case of COVID-19. It is also able to report two new recoveries at this time. 

For additional information on re-openings and resources please visit our website as updates will be added later today with an update on our social media when they are available.

There will be a special Board of Health meeting on Tuesday, May 12, at 4 p.m., held via Webex and will be on the department'sFacebook Live for the public.

Take a plane ride over Little Riley Creek

Bluffton pilot shot this video

 Click here for Bill Suter's video flying over Little Riley Creek.

Three years ago the Icon posted a video created by Bill Suter on his journey flying over Big Riley Creek from Bluffton to Pandora.

Suter returns with this encore video showing Little Riley. It was created about a month ago, just before threes started to obscure the creek. 

The Ohio corona virus lock down was in place so there is little traffic on this video, even on a late Friday afternoon, says Suter.

The Icon captured several screen shots along the way, shown below. 

Hardin Sheriff's Office in full compliance with Ohio's 9-1-1- Program

The Hardin County Sheriff’s Office recently was notified that the Public Safety Answering Point, 9-1-1-Center (PSAP) has achieved full compliance with the State of Ohio’s 9-1-1- Program Office’s regulations.

Sheriff Keith Everhart specifically acknowledged Emily Roy, communications coordinator and Ashley Bodine, terminal agency coordinator, for overseeing this division of the department.
