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More Ohio re-openings announced

Including movie theaters, playgrounds and public rec centers

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine today announced the reopening of certain facilities including certain entertainment facilities with health and safety restrictions.

“As I’ve said, Ohioans are able to do two things at once. We can continue to limit the spread of COVID-19 while we safely reopen our economy. It is up to each of us to do what we can to keep each other safe and choose to keep six feet of social distance, wear masks, and maintain good hand hygiene.” said Governor DeWine.

AT&T Mobility proposing 265-foot communications tower

T&T Mobility is proposing to build a 265-foot self-supporting communications tower on the northwest side of Allen-Hancock County Line Road just north of the Lincoln Highway.

The announcement was made in a legal notice posted last week on the Bluffton and Ada Icons.

Persons interested in reviewing the application may go to:
Enter this file number: A1166460

Subtle ONU shout-out from the governor

ONU alum Eric Porter's video shows a glance of the Ada campus

Ada Icon viewers who watched Gov. Mike DeWine's daily briefing earlier this week may have noticed a subtle Ohio Northern University shout-out in the video the governor played at the conclusion of the briefing.

A shot of the Ohio Northern University sign located in front of Lehr Memorial made its way into a music video for the bluegrass band Joe Mullens and Radio Ramblers.

The video, which was created by Eric Porter, a 2009 ONU alum, director of visual communications for the Ohio Attorney General's Office, contains shots from around the state, but oddly, from no other colleges or universities.

First two COVID-19 associated deaths in Hardin County reported

28 persons have recovered, 32 actively ill and in isolation, 5 are hospitalized

Kenton Hardin Health Department announced notification of the first two reported deaths attributed to the COVID-19 virus in current residents of Hardin County. 

“On behalf of the health department and our response partners, we want to extend our deepest sympathies to the grieving families.” said Deputy Health Commissioner and Director of Nursing Cindy Keller.

“The health department and our partners will continue to do all we can to help our community slow the spread of this virus. Every person, every family in Hardin County is important to us,” said Keller. 

OhioMeansJobs Hardin County re-opening by appointment

The OhioMeansJobs Hardin County announced today that the Job Center will re-open by appointment only starting Monday, June 15.

Only three customers will be allowed in the center at one time to follow social distancing guidelines. To schedule an appointment please call 419-674-2312.

*Please review the safety guidelines below before coming in:

• Facial coverings will be required of all customers
• Must use hand sanitizer and complete a brief questionnaire
• Temperature will be taken by a touch free thermometer before entering the center

Ada grade cards in the mail

Honor roll link on the Icon

All final Ada school grade cards from Kindergarten through seniors have been mailed and third grade through seniors have been posted to ProgressBook, according to an Ohio Alerts announcement made June 3 by Ada schools.

Click here to view the final honor roll of the 2019-20 school year.
