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Madison Wright in the Ada HS senior spotlight

In cooperation with Ada schools, the Ada Icon will post each of the Ada High School class of 2020 seniors in the spotlight. Madison Wright is today's senior in the spotlight.

Lydia Sorensen, Ada, is Bluffton University graduate

Lydia Sorensen of Ada, earned bachelor’s degrees in accounting and mathematics from Bluffton University. The graduation took place in May.


ONU grad and Meijer's CEO assumes association leadership

Rick Keyes, Ohio Northern University pharmacy graduate (1992),  president and CEO of Meijer, will be the new chairman of the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS). He was named Meijer's president and CEO in October, 2015. Keyes is pictured with ONU students on the campus of Ohio Northern University.

Remember Philip Gautier?

Ada High School exchange student creates YouTube piano video

Remember Philip Gautier, an Ada Rotary Club exchange student from France? Philip attended Ada High School during the 2018-19 school year as a junior.

Thanks to a tip from Monty Siekerman, the Icon shares a short piano composition by Philip, discovered on YouTube in May. Viewers may watch and listen below.

For a refresher course in Philip is from Saint Sulpice sur Risle, France, in the  Normandy area. We recall that he was first hosted Bill and Yam Trudeau, in charge of the Rotary in charge of the exchange program. 

Hunter Wells in today's Ada HS senior spotlight

In cooperation with Ada schools, the Ada Icon will post each of the Ada High School class of 2020 seniors in the spotlight. Hunter Wells is today's senior in the spotlight.

Dani Waugh in today's Ada HS senior spotlight

In cooperation with Ada schools, the Ada Icon will post each of the Ada High School class of 2020 seniors in the spotlight. Dani Waugh is today's senior in the spotlight.
